Illegal Immigration
As stated in many social publications that review the modern issues, America is the country of immigration. We cannot deny that immigrants are an essential part of American culture, history and economy. There are even the examples of immigrants helping America to develop its economy, so we cannot say that it is such a bad thing. But we should remember that immigration should be wise and no immigrant should not interfere with the life of an American in any way. Unfortunately, the cancer of the economy and manpower of the country is the illegal immigration.
Firstly, we should ask the question of what means the immigration for you? Personally for us, the immigration is the process of moving to another country, living there and getting the job there. But the illegal immigration requires no laws and taxes, the person is just hiding from the ordinary system. This already means that the person is not socially stable as it does not want to go through the ordinary law abiding process of immigration.
It is not a secret that different countries require filling in some papers in order to get a possibility to immigrate and United States of America is not an exception. By completing this standard procedure, the citizen of a certain country shows that he knows how to live according to the rules, he shows that he has practically nothing to hide and he really has a big desire to immigrate to a certain country (Vargas 34-42).
We strongly believe that the only thing that moves the illegal immigrants is the greed as most of the immigrants who move to the United States come from poor countries. They decide that they do not want to deal with the legal immigration process, fill in all the papers and wait for the invitation. Some of them just appeal to the doubtful agencies that can make the process of immigration much easier for a certain sum of money. All these actions result in the hosting country having the fake information about the arriving person which make him look like a legal immigrant (Gollnick, Chinn and Harris 67). The truth is, due to the lack of social and political intelligence, some people move to the United States without even knowing that they are illegal immigrants and thinking that the agency did a pretty nice job. That is why, it is a fault of those agencies that illegal immigrants can go to prison, be deported from the country or be fined.
The Core and Solution for the Problem of an Illegal Immigration
Over the past few years we may observe a stable growth of the illegal immigration from five to twelve millions which makes us think about all the threats and consequences that may be caused by not allowed penetration into the country. Recalling different actions directed to the solution of this problem, we should mention the decision of Bush to spend a big amount of money to making a huge fence on the American-Mexican border. We believe that such radical methods is not the only way to overcome the problem, but it is very effective (Costello 27-29).
Most people come to the United States for having a better life, better opportunities to start a career, to earn money for feeding their family, but why do they choose the United States of America above all other countries? The reason for that is the rules of immigration and immigration process which are not so strict and have less demands as in other countries with a well-developed economy. Some of the immigrants live in the country with the expired visa while some of them just passed the border without no proper authorization from the government and the services that are responsible for that (Newman 32-41). That is why we suggest to harden the service that follow the illegal immigrants and make the punishments for the illegal immigration more hard and complicated.
Another important thing we have to mention is the fact, that most of the employers would prefer to hire an illegal immigrants as he would practically work for nothing as this would be big money for him and his family. This fact leaves less and less workplaces for the citizens of America and the legal immigrants who come here conducting a proper checking, applying to certain structures and having an authorization from the government. An illegal immigration makes a big hole in the economy of the United States of America as it provides the country with a big rate of unemployment of the citizens who are willing to work for the sake of their country. That is why we suggest, that employers who hire illegal immigrants and in some way sabotage the market of manpower by hiring only the aliens should be punished even more severely than the legal immigrants ("Gates Tells Congress What Is Needed For Better Work Force"). Such employers provide the illegal immigrants with a living environment and encourage the activity of illegal immigrants.
Most of the immigrants come to the United States with some dreams, hopes and desires, but they do not realize that they interfere with the local economy by taking the jobs that should have been taken by the Americans or legal immigrants. It goes without saying that every person should have a chance to have a better life, but the procedure of immigration is supposed to show that you have a strong desire to be a citizen of the country and not a parasite that lives in the country as the organism and just make use of it without giving anything in exchange.
Works Cited
Costello, M. "The Human Face Of Immigration". Teaching Tolerance 39 (2011): 27-29. Print.
"Gates Tells Congress What Is Needed For Better Work Force". N.p., 2008. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.
Gollnick, Donna M, Philip C Chinn, and R. Carl Harris. Multicultural Education In A Pluralistic Society. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill, 2013. Print.
Newman, Alex. "Immigration News Update". New American 25.15 (2009): 32-41. Print.
Vargas, J. "Shadow Americans". TIME 179.25 (2012): 34-42. Print.