Numerous religions have looked at heaven and paradise from different angles. There is a convergence on the idea of heaven among religions though the concept of paradise is accepted and disputed in equal measure. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines heaven as the dwelling place of the Deity. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines paradise as a place that is completely peaceful and pleasant. Heaven and paradise are concepts that come up when discussing issues relating to the afterlife. A considerable fraction of religious commentators agree that the afterlife forms the bedrock basis of all religions.
The Muslims believe that there is continuity of the soul even after the physical body dies. The Muslims, therefore, believe that there is a day coming when the dead will rise and the Deity, Allah, will judge each . The result of the judgment is separating people for paradise or hell. The Muslims, therefore, attach the idea of paradise to heaven. To Muslims, this is the place of everlasting peace. The Islamic religion also believes that there is a foretaste of the eternal destiny of the human being. This means that those souls that merit for heaven start experiencing the atmosphere of heaven even before the day approaches. This is also true for those who are destined for hell.
Although Christians believe in the afterlife, the general belief among a wide scale of believers in Christianity is that the dead immediately go to heaven. This is not representative of all denominations though. With this stand Christians believe that there is continuity of life from the earth to heaven by the fact that bodies will still exist in heaven though the nature will be different. The Catholics believe that there is a temporary location for holding souls that died before they confessed. The Catholics hold this variant belief that is not mostly shared with other denominations.
Hinduism holds reincarnation as a central theme of their faith. Although the Hindus believes that life continues in different forms after death, the process of reincarnation is a painful cycle that needs attaining of freedom by the person. The point of victory over the cycle of death and rebirth means attaining heaven.
It is clear that all religions are based on some form of afterlife that keeps the members hoping. The Muslims believe that a heaven is a peaceful place. Christians have numerous beliefs that include the existence of purgatory for the Catholics and also the direct ascension to heaven by the dead. The Hindus believes that once the cycle of death and rebirth is overcome; then the person goes to heaven.
Works Cited
Alexander, Eben. Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon on the Journey Into the Afterlife. Simon and Schuster, 2012.
Koslowski — P. Apocalypse, Progress, and Life after Death — Completion of History of the Human Person in the World Religions. Springer, 2002.
Soto, Gary. The Afterlife. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2003.