The need for sustainable development through environmentally friendly practices is among the major issues facing humanity. The adverse effects of the climate change are mainly attributed to man activities that have proved to increase the rate of greenhouse gases emissions due to industrialization. Therefore, policies aimed at efficient and effective usage of resources are being implemented in US and across the globe to ensure sustainable economic development. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an organization aimed at ensuring the environmental regulations are abided and thus ensure that the environment is safe from pollution. Among the key strategies that the EPA employs in efforts to guarantee sustainable development is through the green homes project.
Nature of Problem
The adverse effects of greenhouses emissions have become so pronounced and the solution must revolve around all the human activities right from their areas of residence. Among the key issues that have made homes to have increased the productions of the greenhouse gases are the inefficiencies in the use of resources. Among the resources that are used inefficiently include, building materials, energy sources and water. Houses should also be constructed using green construction material The most houses/homes do not use renewable sources of energy and the waste materials are not recycled, as a result, economic sustainability has become a dream. According to Streep (2008), “"the site location, use of energy and water, incorporation of healthier building and insulation materials, recycling, use of renewable energy, and protection of natural resource”.
Research Questions
- What is the most effective method for enhancing reduced greenhouse gases emissions from homes?
- Are the EPA policies sufficiently effective in respect to ensuring house become green?
- What are the main limitation of making houses into green homes?
- What are the common wastes that can be recycled and ensure reduced wastes?
- The most effective method of enhancing reduced greenhouses gasses emissions is by using renewable sources of energy and efficient uses of all resources efficiently while recycling all wastes
- The EPA policies are effective, however, more emphasis should be paid on their implementation process and needs to be continuously improved to overcome the challenges arising in the fast changing world
- The main limitation in making the green homes become a reality is inadequate information among the households
- The common wastes that can be recycled in homes include water, and plastic packaging materials.
Design management
Green homes are a key factor that when well implemented can result to reduced effect of the greenhouse gases on climate change. However, there is need for households to be educated on the issue of the greenhouse gases and their importance in ensuring sustainable economic development. The household can be educated about the concept of green houses through the mass media, environmental lobby groups, government and non-governmental organizations. These households will be trained in effective practices that have minimal impact on the environment. The policies and the procedures should be designed in such a way that they can be improved and thus guarantee continuous sustainability.
“US. Environmental Protection Agency”, Green Building, last modified 12/19/2012.
Streep, Meryl. Green guide: the complete reference for consuming wisely. NY: National Geographic Books, 2008.