The students of Whatsmatta University have shown a recent survey which indicates that the performance and results of students have been decreased over the last five years. The survey showed that the increased level of non-attendance has also been observed, and that might be the reason of decreased performance level.
- According to the survey, there were 107 absences in a term which resulted in the potential loss of 321 hours, in an 864 hour course. This high rate of non-attendance shows the student’s attitude towards learning.
- The motivational level in students is very low, and there are almost no intrinsic or extrinsic rewards for students in order to prevent non-attendance issue or to increase student’s interest.
- The learning material is also found quite challenging for students and students find it difficult to learn with the help of applied format.
- There should be more quizzes and hourly papers with opportunities of gaining bonus marks.
- The timings of morning class should not start too early because mostly students work till late night, and it gets hard for them to wake up early in the morning.
- The creation of a compulsory “coffee break” class with debating sessions would result positively in student engaging activities.
- The inquiry of a student’s non-attendance should better be done via letter instead of telephone. This will keep the family informed about their child’s learning attitude and can produce positive results.