Part 1 Reflective Log
Description 2
Interpretation of experience 4
2.1 Frustration and obstacles during working 5
2.2 Challenges and general ability to work within a Group 6
2.3 Improvement and solution 7
Outcome 7-8
4.1 Lessons learned for the future 7-8
Part 1: Reflective
1 Description
At the start of this report, the group had written and sent a few bids in hope to get a client for the project. After a few months, the group received a confirmation that Generation Tennis will be the client. Generation Tennis is a tennis coaching company, it was founded by James Bone in 2009 with his brother Alex as directors of the company. Their company is now located in Hampshire and West Sussex, operating in six tennis clubs. They offer a wide variety of coaching from mini tennis to cardio tennis. The reason for our group to choose this company is that they are looking for people with experience in marketing strategies and research. We believe we are well suited for the job because most of our group members have the practical and academic experience in both fields.
I have done a team role test, this test will enhance our work success and job satisfaction. Thus, the results obtained group, it can make me the most suitable role and responsibilities. My dynamic indicator result is an inspector. My result suggests that I am suited for this position as I have an eye for detail. In addition to that, having experience in market research grants the knowledge I need to accomplish the task that was set. I can get the right position will be more efficient operation.
2 Interpretation of experience
During the course of this activity, I learned a few strengths and potential weaknesses of myself during this activity. The most significant parts of what was frustration and obstacles during working, challenges and general ability to work within a group and improvement, all of which are presented in this section.
2.1 Frustration and obstacles during working
2. What was applicable, and what not? (2.1)
The primary duty that I was allocated was that of a researcher. Researching incorporates rigorous searching for relevant information to facilitate the advancement of the course objectives. Therefore, I had to apply skills of selecting credible references including online and offline resources that contributed to the advancement of the project objectives.
We also applied different data collection methods in my research including the use of questionnaires. I noted that the direct participation of clients in reference to the provision of opinions led to greater customer satisfaction since the clients were included as primary stakeholders in the company. Moreover, questionnaires proved integral in the collection of data that was quantifiable leading to the emergence of trends that were highlighted by the qualitative and quantitative data collected.
11. In what way were you resource or time constraint? (2.1) The differences in personalities of the group members also presented a challenge since some of the group members possess a relaxed nature thus preventing them from effectively contributing to the group activities. This was countered by ensuring that each team member was provided an opportunity to communicate their ideas devoid of interruption. However, this approach was observed to be time-consuming leading to the inability to focus on the integral group tasks.
2.2 Challenges and General ability to work within a Group
1. How useful did you find the academic methods? (2.2)
The primary duty that was allocated was that of a researcher. Researching incorporates rigorous searching for relevant information to facilitate the advancement of the course objectives. Therefore, I had to apply skills of selecting credible references, including online and offline resources that contributed to the advancement of the project objectives. I realized the role of teamwork and coordination resulted in the disruption of the project leading to delays in the delivery of the set goals.
3. How did you approach the task? (2.2)
I applied different data collection methods in my research including the use of questionnaires. I noted that the direct participation of clients in reference to the provision of opinions led to greater customer satisfaction since the clients were included as primary stakeholders in the company. Moreover, questionnaires proved integral in the collection of data that was quantifiable leading to the emergence of trends that were highlighted by the qualitative and quantitative data collected.
4. How did you structure the work? (2.2)
I ensured that I folled the formulated schedule management plan that was integral in the advancement of all the responsibilities of the stakeholders in the project. In addition, there was a proper flow of information in reference to paper handling and the timeliness of the delivery of project milestones.
5. Was this the right approach or could you do it better? (2.2)
It is integral to acknowledge the role played by team management to facilitate the efficiency of completion of tasks in the project. Schedule management proved necessary thus assisting in the proper management of resources that were allocated for the project; moreover, there was a progressive measurement of the performance of the project (Jensen, 2008). The primary activities during the task management process included the creation of project schedules, the launch of the project, and collection of data using the questionnaire and data analysis. Finally, there was the development of plans to facilitate entry into the market.
8. What did you find out that surprised you or challenged your preconceptions? (2.2)
I observed a lag in the contribution of some members in the group where most of the duties were allocated to the leader who was responsible for coordination of the group members (Hoch, Pearce & Welzel, 2010). I also considered the ineffective communication within the group frustrating since groups were required to hold structured discussions that were sometimes difficult due to the need for coordination among the group members.
2.3 Improvement and solution
6. What decisions did you make about accepting or rejecting information and why? (2.3)
I found that quality management was critical, particularly the approach that was selected by the group. This ensured that there was proper planning of the group goals leading to a successful team spirit and coordination. In addition, I noted that there was the proper allocation of roles depending on the professional competencies of the group members. I found that planning facilitated the appropriate matching of the participants’ duties to competencies.
7. How would you tackle this better/differently the next time, i.e. how would you revise your evaluation of materials in the light of what you have learned? (2.3)
I discovered that the review of projects by professionals and peers helped in the advancement of the organizational goals through providing guidance and identifying flaws, which would have, otherwise, been considered insignificant by other group members. Thus, I noted that it is integral to consider the opinions of a third-party to ensure quality delivery, particularly in group projects. I also acknowledged the role of structured allocation of duties in a group setting. The proper allocation of resources ensured that all the group members were focused in their delivery of their contribution towards organizational goals. Consequently, I observed that all members made a contribution leading to the advancement of the project goals when the group objectives were met.
9. What did you fail to discover, and how would you tackle this in the future? (2.3)
The results, which were collected by the group members, were presented in diagrammatical representations to reveal the trends in the playing of tennis. I noted that this helped in the comparison of data and revelation of trends thus easing the discussion of the results relating to the initial project projections. The group used a variety of tools including pie charts and bar graphs. I believe that line graphs are simplistic and can be applied in future projects to help in the revelation of the trends in reference to the data collected by the group.
3 Outcome
In addition to, I have known a few strengths and potential weaknesses of myself during this activity, I also realized that I need to improve my verbal communication and should be more confident. However, The gave me a very good opportunity to realize the difference between working as a sole individual and working in collaboration, or under the name of an organization. Therefore, this section presented about what was lessons learned for the future.
3.1 Lessons learned for the future
10. Did you find the group dynamics as you imagined they would be at the start of the project? (3.1)
I observed numerous challenges in the group setting with reference to the attainment of the organizational goals. First, there was an inadequate discussion of the ideas within a group. This may be attributed to the fact that group members must each provide their opinion on given topics and plans within the group. This leads to inefficiency due to the varying ideas that are developed after brainstorming by each of the group participants. Furthermore, there was a frequent emergence of conflict between groups due to the different ideas among members. It is important to note that teamwork demands compromise where members are required to accept the opinions of other team members despite disagreement. This can only be brought about by a proper discussion that was absent due to the inefficient coordination of group members.
12. What more could be done to fully research this area? (3.1)
I believe that arketing demands the continuos improvement of approaches due to the dynamic nature of clients. Therefore, there should be proper research of the market demands including the changing consumer tastes and preferences to ensure that the products released to the market are suitable for the target market.
13. What have you learned about yourself? Will this affect what career you chose? (3.1)
I have learnt that I perform well in a team setting due to the integration of ideas from the different participants in the project. I found that I was a very good team player and developed the ability to meet the deadlines for the tasks that I was entrusted. I will select a career that incoorpoates interaction with different people thus requiring team coordination and contribution of ideas from individual perspectives.
14. What do you plan to do in the next 12 months as first steps towards this career? (3.1)
I plan on working on my verbal communication to ensure that I improve my non-verbal communication. This is bound to increase my confidence when dealing with clients and performing market research. Iwill also work on developing my Grant Chart skills.
I realized the role of teamwork and coordination in the project since all the participants relied on each other to enable the advancement of the course objectives. Any lack of coordination resulted in the disruption of the project leading to delays in the delivery of the set goals. As a group member, I learned a number of things about working as an intrapreneur, I also discovered a few strengths and potential weaknesses of myself during this activity, all of which are presented in the report.Thus, I willwork to improve on my strengths and counter my weaknesses to ensure proper career development