Academic language represents the language demands of a school in the academic writings that are used in textbooks, classrooms, tests and each discipline. Each academic disciple has its own unique academic language. Academic language is very different from every spoken language. The linguistic of academic writing is the foundation of the language and structure of the academic professionalism. Academic language is very different from the language of daily communication and social interaction. Academic language is normally different in structure and vocabulary.
Academic vocabularies and structures vary from common languages. The academic language of science has particularly perce4ived different and hard linguists. Law and related disciplines has a language and vocabulary structures that seeks to uplift the professionalism status. The aspect of a table in an academic writing differs from one profession to another. A table in mathematics is very different from a water table in geology to the periodic table in chemistry. Chemistry has differed academic language from other academic writings in languages and sciences. It is normally challenging and requires learning and memorization of concepts especially the periodic table.
Thus, academic language involves pre-teaching of vocabulary subject specific terminology helps to address that need. Academic language structure involves the property and linguistic organization of writing, which differs in academic genres such as paragraph and sentence structure, level of difficulty of the test. The level of the academic writing is an effective overall organization in the overall academic writing. The aspect of academic writing differs over the field of academics.
The use of good metaphorical writing and languages are fundamentally in academic writing. Metaphors economically map the co existence of common cognitive associations together with providing new and academic insights. Nomenclature has evolved to be referring to the science of languages. It is the basic fundamental functions of language and language structures. Every use of linguistically use of language in an academic writing. The structure of language in an academic writing refers to the universally acclaimed symbols of universal language structure.
The aspect of linguistic structure in an academic writing involves the writing using a particular aspect of a linguistic structure. These aspects of language can be traced back to the times of Noam Chomsky the founder of universal grammar that applies to the use of language in all occupations in that language use whether written or spoken in any academic context is the foundational of the physical contextual use in academic and professional fields. All languages follow the laid aspects of universal grammar that seeks to address universal use of language in both spoken and written. These theories are known as generative theories.
All language used is used in the aspect of structural language used in academic writing. All languages used must make use of these structures in order to achieve the set structures in language. Phonetics is the structural study of the physical property of sound perception of the language. The use of phonemes is the structural use of sounds in academic writing. This also shows the use of morphology in the language, which is concerned, with the internal structure of academic concepts used in writing. These words will be combined to form syntax, which is deeply concerned with how words are combined to form structural sentences used in academic writing. Semantics are concerned with the combination of words in an academic writing that is concerned with the transmission of knowledge and academic writing. All academic journals and writing utilizes the concept of in passive sounds and third person in its writings.
In the context of audience the sciences, the levels of knowledge differs therefore the audience should be approached in a keen manner that will enable the intended audience to grasp the concepts and ideas. The substance and style should therefore be technical in order to capture the necessary facts and ideas which are relevant in analyzing the concepts. The selective language in sciences is very essential in presenting the significant impact on style and substance.
In relation to science related writings, the headings are very essential as opposed to the prose writing in sciences. The headings are very vital in putting emphasis on the systematic style of scientific pr5esentation.The use of headings also plays a role of excellent organization of the ideas, concepts and facts from one step to another as well as smooth flow of such concepts. The transition between various parts of the academic writing paper can also be captured by using the specific and coherent language. In various scientific writings, some titles are predetermined due to the practical nature of sciences. For example in the presentation of laboratory reports, specific formats are used in filling and interpreting the fac6ts and concepts. The headings are therefore divided into various sections which are vital in writing the reports of experiments performed in the laboratories. The use of headings in sciences is not often obligatory therefore at times they may not be used due to difficulties they pose to the readers of the scientific writings. Headings are therefore used mainly where they are helpful in the logical organization of facts and ideas in sciences.
The titles are written using full sentences or fragments. The context and structure of language in sciences use sentence in the form of fragments in presentation of facts and theories. In sciences it takes bo0thj forms of fragments and full sentences. The use of full sentences in framing titles is often used in stating the central results of the topic or scientific concepts. The titles may therefore be long depending on the number of details or the concept being presented to the reader. The titles are often concrete in order to avoid the excessive details which may make understanding difficult. The writers in sciences may also state or frame titles in the form of questions in order to arouse the minds of the readers in grasping the concepts being presented in sciences.
In the context of scientific writings, the jargon or unrecognizable language to most of the regular people is often used to present various concepts and facts in the various fields of sciences. The terminologies used in scientific writings are therefore a hindrance to the normal readers. Jargon in sciences is often meant to achieve compression in show the intended meaning with as few words as possible. The use of jargon is more suitable if the target audience is well informed of such jargon sand can easily understand such terminologies. The technical terms in scientific writings therefore plays a crucial role in presentation of facts and ideas with few words as well as avoiding words which may lead to contradiction. Sciences therefore entail the replacement of very common terms in order to clearly present the intended message. The use of abbreviations is highly discouraged in scientific writings so as to eliminate the difficulties in comprehension. The use of jargon in the scientific writings at times makes the prose impenetrable and long-winded.
In the context of referencing, scientific writings heavily rely on sequence of citing sources and works. The details of references therefore differ slightly due to the nature of various disciplines. References are often placed on the on a separate page in an alphabetical order.