The new city will be carbon neutral because it will use Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) which is powered using solar batteries unlike in the old or conventional cities where cars are powered using oil. The streets of the new city will also be narrow and shaded by modern buildings unlike in the traditional case where streets are wide and not energy efficient.
In addition, the new city’s water needs will be met using 80% of recycled water unlike in the old settings where cities obtain clean water supplies from conventional sources such as rivers.
The new city, can the new city achieve environmental sustainability and be livable. This is so because it has a sustainable target population, has an elaborate plan on all major issues such as water, transport and energy needs among others. Each of the issues that are needed to support a new city is feasible and sustainable in the long term. The fact that the city will be carbon neutral means that it will attract dwellers who will actively work to sustain it.
There are significant space issues that might be compromised. The roads will be smaller than usual and this means that there could be constrains in the usage of the roads. However, the concentration of the underground transport system also means that the space on the ground which is often taken up by transport systems and vehicles will be freer and therefore adequate.
Masdar City can it be replicated across the world. New cities can be developed in places where they are feasible with all issues regarding energy use and issues of human interference being evaluated according to the culture of the local people and the major socio-economic activities of the expected residents. It is possible to set up such cities because besides the sun, there are other sources of renewable energy such as wind and biomass which can be used when the sunshine is inadequate in some parts.
Palca, J. (2008, May 6). Abu Dhabi Aims to Build First Carbon-Neutral City. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from