Low-Earth Orbits may be defined as ones within a locus extending from the Earth’s surface up to an altitude of 1,200 miles. It is this orbit in which the atmosphere drag is minimal, if not totally absent. The Low-Earth Orbit finds varied use in space technology. This orbit is used to visit the International Space Station or the Space Shuttle to perform experiments, installations and repair of astronomical equipments (Iowa State University, 2016). Satellites are a vital part of this orbit. They are required for varied purposes such as communication, weather, GPS, space travel etc. A satellite needs to dwell on a single place on the globe to complete its operations. A satellite will move the slowest near the apogee and fastest near the perigee. This increases dwell time of the satellite near the apogee, thus improving its performance. Though the oblated Earth does not seem to have a direct effect on movement of the satellite, the velocity required to move the satellite would be different when starting at different places on the globe. When a satellite starts off at the equator, it may require lesser velocity as compared to when it starts from the poles.
The oblate Earth has been found to have minimal effect on the moon. However, studies have shown that the oblateness causes an oscillatory rotation of the Moon with amplitude of 0.072” and pulsation period of 16.88 Julian years (Kondratyev 2013, 147). The inclination of the Moon and Earth’s equator goes from a maximum angle to a minimum angle. The maximum angle is called the major lunar standstill and the minimum angle reached is called the minor lunar standstill. Thus, it can be seen that such phenomena are regulated by the oblateness of the Earth.
Kondratyev, B.P. “The Effect of the Earth’s Oblateness on the Moon’s Physical Libration in
Latitude.” Solar System Research 47.3 (2013): 147-158.
Iowa State University. Types of Orbits.