Gay marriage is part of same sex marriage where the democrat defines it as a union or marriage of people who are of the same sex loving each other. Democrat’s liberal supports the legalization of gay marriage and other types of same sex marriages such as bisexual, lesbian, as well as transgender. This they argue is part of ensuring equal rights to every citizen. They therefore oppose to the constitutional amendment which establish marriage a one woman one man union. They argue that every person has the right to marry regardless of his/her sexual orientation.
While the republican debate on lower taxes, the democrat has always been in support higher taxes policy so as to support additional government programs. This chiefly means that the republican; by increasing the taxes contribution, more wealth will be redistributed. However, the higher taxes are primarily meant for the wealthy and this will assist in addressing the issue of injustice/inequity in the society where the government is involved in helping the needy and the poor through the tax raised and especially from the wealthy people. Higher taxes policy by the republican acts as a one caring way for supporting the needy in the society through the government provision of different government programs. This tax also facilitates the government in the creation of jobs as well as in the provision of welfare programs for the poor and the needy. Therefore, the democrat believes that higher taxes create for justice where a large government provides and creates for equality.
Unlike the republican who are in favor of free market system and hence more personal freedom, the democrat believes and support on the government regulation of businesses. The democrats therefore view a market system where the government is involved in regulating businesses as well as the economy as one of the best (Mark 23). They argue that with government regulation, the government should protect smaller businesses form big businesses and their greed. The democrats are therefore motivated by the general public interest where the government regulates and protect both the big as well as small businesses in order to the make the playing field level for general public concern unlike in the private sector.
On the issue of environmental standards, unlike the republicans who suppose that when environmental standards are strict hurt businesses and therefore maintain the reduction on regulations on the environment; the democrat are in support of economy strength and proper environmental standards and their governance for family health. Democrats are therefore committed in fighting, strengthening and ensuring the enforcement of environmental laws which make sure that there is safe drinking water and clean breathing air. The democrat feels that a clean environment is necessary for the economy to be strong. They therefore reject the idea that a healthy environment and economy cannot coexist as they believe that a stronger economy means having a cleaner economy. The democrat advocates rail travel and open space for relieving airport and highway congestion and hence combating air pollution and improvement of the economy.
The democrats support the issue of new forms of energy and believe that oil as a diminishing resource and therefore other new forms of energy should be explored. They believe that the government should have a national plan which pays/subsidize for research on energy and production. For instance, the democrats emphasize on new forms of energy such as solar and wind power as well as the control of electric and gas industries (New Student Daily). On the other hand, the democrats does not support on gun control laws as the second amendment doesn’t allow citizens to have bear arms and hence argue that individuals don’t require guns for their protection since it’s the role of the federal and local government to protect its people. They argue that more guns increase violence.
Finally, the democrats on education issue support that public schools are one of the best ways of educating students and hence the government should support the additional of extra funds to the existing public schools, the reduction of the class size as well as increasing of teacher’s salaries in public schools.
Work Cited
Mark, Charles. Business, politics, and the practice of government relations. United States of America. JK: Library of Congress Publication. 2008.
New Student Daily. Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs. 19 July 2011. Web.