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The vaccine helps prevent the contraction of the disease and it is important for people to take it. HPV is not a common virus, and those infected may not even know that they have been infected with the virus. In most cases it does go away on its own, but when it does not it causes cancer and genital warts. The real problem is that even with the vaccine present, there seems to be a prevalence of the virus. HPV can cause cervical cancer and it is important that parents embrace the change about the vaccine.
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A lack of education among the parents is one major cause and this should change so that the children can be vaccinated. Education for the parents and a proper communication between the parents and the medical provider goes a long way in ensuring that there is an increase in vaccination intake.
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Most of the studies focused on parents of a female population of children. The studies that did include male children had a small number of participants. The parent population was also focused on the female parent as well. The studies were done on people that were considered at risk. Most of the participants lacked education, had low income, and were from urban areas. Study population consisted of a convenience sample of teenage girls and their parents attending an urban, adolescent clinic serving a highly diverse minority population.
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Another important factor to consider is that prevention is better than cure. It is important that people abstain and also practice safe sex. There is also the issue of STI testing and pap smears that allow prevention of the virus. There are ways to prevent getting infected with HPV for example; abstinence, condom use, being in a mutually monogamous relationship and finally getting vaccinated. Each year there are 21,000 HPV related cancers that can be prevented through vaccination; but most importantly it is safe and effective for both men and women. Two of the leading vaccines are Gardasil and Cervarix.
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Education of parents and children in low SES populations will be possible through the joint help of the government by creating awareness to the problem at hand. An introduction to various programs will also help the parents and children to become aware of the problem at hand. Educational programs that are free would be a good place to start.