The second phase of Lagos Urban Transport Project (LUTP) is at present being undertaken in Nigeria. The approval of the project was on June 29, 2010, and its closing date is expected to be on May 31, 2017. The project’s team leader is Roger Gorham. According to the World Bank Group (2016), the project aims at enhancing the mobility along the corridors that have been prioritized and promoting a shift to the urban transport modes, which are more environmentally sustainable. Below is an evaluation of the performance of this project in project time management, project risk management, and project communications management.
Project Time Management
Delivering the projects on the required time is among the greatest challenges that the project managers experience. The Lagos Urban Transport Project will be closed next year. So far, the project team led by Roger Gorham has succeeded in managing the allocated time. According to the World Bank Group (2015), the project has resulted in advantages of the new bus system in highest time and yielded an enhanced institutional capacity for the metropolitan transport management. As a result, these positive outcomes have been facilitated by effective management of the project time. A good comprehension of what needs to be done by the project team is one of the reasons they have succeeded in managing the project time and producing the anticipated outcomes. It is worth to emphasize, that the project management team has sufficiently allocated enough time to all the activities, which are critical to the success of this project. The management team has also succeeded in sequencing the activities precisely and estimating their duration using the necessary tools. Furthermore, the project team effectively used the necessary tools in determining the start and finish dates for various project activities. What is more, this team continues to update the project schedule with the continuing changes, thus, facilitating the success of the project.
Project Risk Management
The effective and efficient project management calls for proper management of the uncertainty sources (Chapman & Ward, 1996). The management of the Lagos Urban Transport Project undertook a proper risk analysis during the initial phase of the project. They have continued to manage the risks they identified. As a result, this has increased the probability of completing the project successfully. As a matter of fact, the project managers have succeeded in overcoming the project management challenges such as poor quantification of risks and ineffective mitigating strategies. As a result, this has contributed to the achievement of the anticipated project outcomes so far. The effective risk analysis and management have contributed to an increase in understanding of the Lagos Urban Transport Project among the team members. Consequently, this has facilitated the creation of achievable project plans. Additionally, the effective risk analysis and management have improved the understanding of risks in the Lagos Urban Transport Project. As a result, this has resulted in the minimization of risks and the success of the project to date.
Project Communications Management
The project members need to collect, share, and integrate information as well as knowledge to achieve the project objectives (Zulch, 2014). Effective communication is one of the effective factors that have contributed to the success of the Lagos Urban Transport Project so far. The project team has been offering correct and timely information to the project stakeholders and sponsors such as the Nigerian Federal government. The project managers in cooperation with the project team developed an effective project communication management plan to facilitate the communication between them and with the stakeholders. In fact, this communication plan contains the communication objectives, the frequency and methods of communication, and target audiences. What is more, the collection and distribution of performance information are done effectively in the Lagos Urban Transport Project.
Chapman, C., & Ward, S. (1996). Project risk management: processes, techniques and insights. John Wiley.
The World Bank Group. (2015). News & Broadcast - Nigeria: Lagos Urban Transport Project (LUTP). Retrieved from,,contentMDK:23025996~menuPK:141311~pagePK:34370~piPK:34424~theSitePK:4607,00.html
The World Bank Group. (2016). Projects: Nigeria Lagos Urban Transport Project 2 | The World Bank. Retrieved from
Zulch, B. G. (2014). Communication: The foundation of project management. Procedia Technology, 16, 1000-1009.