[First Name Last Name]
The mentioned 15 wishes are arranged according to the rank of their influential strength. I chose Maslow’s Need Theory to address my needs because I find this theory to be more precise, convincing, practical, as well as, easy to represent my needs and drives. According to this theory, every individual possess a distinctive motivational system that is unrelated to unconscious desires or rewards. In other words, our unsatisfied needs are our actual motivation drivers. Although according to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need, first comes the psychological needs, then safety, belonging/love, and then Esteem and Self-Actualization needs. However, I placed my wish of my mother being cured from cancer to be the strongest because currently, it is the needs that have overcame my other needs. On the underlying principle of Maslow, I would justify this with the reason that I have my psychological needs that include food, shelter, and clothing successfully met. Additionally, my safety needs are also partially pacified. Therefore, the strongest needs that I have is the health and well-being of my mother, which is defined as the ‘need of love/belongingness’ by Maslow. This need triggers my emotion to be a good mother for my daughter (Esteem Need), to also take care of my own health (Safety Need), and to have a healthy lifestyle (Safety & Esteem Need). Apart from this, my other needs include to be a good wife to my husband, to start my own business or to have a perfect job, to have a family, to have my own house, a luxury care etc. All these needs are categorized as Psychological and Esteem needs under Maslow’s Hierarchy.
I believe that these are all the drivers that trigger me to achieve me something and prove myself. I also believe that when I will be employed; whatever I will do, it will be for my husband and for family, as well as, for the attainment of the mutual goals that I want to accomplish with my partner. I think that during my employment, monetary rewards that would help me to some money for a house or for my car would motivate me. Likewise, benefits like family insurance, medical insurance, work-life balance, and flexibility options are the factors that can push me ahead.