What is your worldview? The worldview of human being may be considered as the general picture of the surrounding reality. It presents the harmony of all ideas about the world and the way of .personal perception of commonly defined things. A worldview is the basis for daily decisions. It is extremely important and influences many aspects of life significantly. In general worldview means a comprehensive understanding of the world from a certain position. Different religions have different ways of thinking and world perception.
My worldview presents a comprehensive analyzing of the world from a Christian point of view. The Christian faith is the result of a long historical development. Some people say that the principles of Christian worldview were articulated in the sacred books or the Scriptures. Nevertheless it took a lot of time and effort before it assumed more or less coherent form. Moreover many Christians prove that the Holy Scripture allows different and often conflicting interpretations so it would be unfair to say that the Christian doctrine is derived from its original sources unambiguously.
Scripture is also called the Bible that includes two books of the Old and New Testaments. The New Testament was formed not immediately, but through a long and rigorous selection process. I feel myself to be the part of this religion since the earliest childhood and I think many of ideas are derived from my world view directly or not.
What is your understanding of Personhood (human beings) from your worldview perspective? My personal understanding of human beings coincides with the image shaped by the religion. In the Christian anthropology the doctrine of man as the image and likeness of God is an essential. The clarification of the Christian understanding of the image of God implies a comprehensive treatment of the doctrine of God and therefore is a complex theological task.
Human being as the image of God is seen in many different interconnected aspects. For the purpose of revealing understanding of the image of God it is important to distinguish some specific aspects. The image of God in man is often regarded by Christian worldview as the perfection of human nature. It reflects the fullness of the perfection of the divine nature and distinguishes the human being from the rest of creatures. Such perfections often include intelligence, spirituality, free will, creative abilities and immortality.
The theological drawback of this is initial focus on the natural aspects of understanding of God and man. Nevertheless the understanding of the image of God as perfections of nature involves the risk of underestimation of personal principle in man. The individualistic interpretations also pose significant threat to the ability of rational perception. Although the autonomous development of the individual is opposed to pantheistic plant, involving mixing with the impersonal absolute the common feature of these two extremes is human nature.
The image of God in man is understood as the image of the whole Trinity. Sometimes the Trinity in man is often considered in context of various human associations, whose members are in communion. My personal vision on the place of a person in the Universe is influenced by concepts and ideas mentioned above.
How will you live out your worldview perspective including your understanding of personhood in your personal life? It is important to understand the living out of the worldview perspective in context of my personal vision. My worldview was shaped not only by overall religious vision but also by my daily experience and interrelation with others. But my personal values back up the religious principle on practice.
At the same time my understanding of the possible developments encompasses some perspectives of other worldviews. For instance, I try to make estimates in context of the scientific approach. That is why my decision-making process reflects the symbiosis of these two visions. Furthermore, my religion denies the reincarnation of souls, at the same time I apply some similar theories to analyzing the situation. My way of thinking is not limited by the worldview shaped by religion.
It is also important to mention that knowledge and experience may change the initial worldview dramatically. At the same time basic worldview assimilated in the earliest childhood influences which theories of knowledge we accept or not. It also has significant impact on our actions, therefore on gained experience.
Furthermore speaking of Personhood from the religious point of view, a person has rather limited opportunities for choosing ways of self-development. At the same time philosophy Buddhism focuses primarily on the unlimited chances to be excellent creature for man by the way of emancipation and Nirvana through different practices such as yoga etc. I am Christian but I am interested in yoga exercising. It means that my personal worldview considering the human being definition is more extensive than essential religious worldview.
I consider the individual to be a person who will certainly create his space in the universe. For this end, he has freedom, knowledge, creativity and expertise. All this is refracted in a special way in psychology. Psychological understanding of the personality begins with the discovery of empirical and theoretical personality of human existence.
How does your perspective and understanding of people influence your interest in, and your understanding and philosophy of Leadership? In context of my relationships with people I try to follow Christian principle love your enemy. I am interesting in understanding human behavior and try to support others when it is necessary. In general the leader is the person who is the benchmark for others, a kind of flagship. No wonder many encyclopedias give a definition of leader as a man walking in front of the ship, sentinel advanced, leading the caravan to the target. In human society it is impossible to achieve growth without true leaders, able to serve people, to point the way and lead them to the desired goal.
At the same time in Christianity the term leader in its basic sense is rarely used. The Christian morality is aimed at preserving modesty and meekness of man. At the same time Jesus is considered to be the Prophet who was followed by people. There are many other examples in the Bible of such a religious leadership.
My ideal leader is someone who can lead people to the prosperity and growth his presuming moral principles as well. To my mind such point of view is shaped by Christian ethics, but it is also adjusted to up-to-date reality. Also a leader is primarily the man who helps the other person to move to a new, different level.
If we talk about the components of leadership, the main element can be defined as following - the ability to motivate people to live a better life, not to impose, but to sell them this idea. This is the reason to change, a person has the desire to go through these changes, the leader points the way, helps to go through the difficulties that will be on this path. In case of problems, effective leadership means to make the man pass this way at the lowest cost and to help him reach his goal.
How will you live out your worldview perspective including your understanding of human beings in your vocational calling and work life? I am planning to start my own business in future. I will do my best for implementation the principles of Christian morality to my work life. To answer this question it is very important to find out the religious approach to working process.
There is the first fundamental question whether a business may have a spiritual direction. Christians remember precept to collect the riches in heaven, trying to omit commercial tricks in daily life. Nevertheless some people see this commandment as a prohibition to participate in business. It is due to the fact that business is impossible without accumulation and "gathering wealth on earth."
At the same time scripture orients us towards a more thoughtful attitude to the problem of wealth and activity, creating wealth, i.e., business. We need to pay attention to the fact that the power to get wealth is given by God. And if this force is revealed in the entrepreneurial talent of a Christian, it is naturally for him to start business
Moreover, a careful reading of the New Testament reveals that Jesus Christ condemned not the mere presence of wealth in a person, but something else connected to money. Deception, i.e., the dependence on wealth, losing the highest values in life and willingness to commit a crime for material values - this is what radically contradicts the teachings of Christ and that cannot be accepted by Christians.
Whatever I do it is important for me to act in accordance with my worldview and to be honest to myself and other people. I try to always support people. My future career will be related to good deeds. I hope that I will remain a person to trust with kindness as the basic principle despite possible obstacles I am to face with.
Lynch, P. (2013). Guide on Christianity. London: National Press.