HRS 203
HR literature About Recruitment Process 3
Introduction 3
HRM Constructs in Modern Business Environment 3
Literature Review on Recruitment Process 3
Recruitment Professionals – Motivation and Empowerment off topic I am afraid 3
Conclusion 3
HR literature About Recruitment Process
Global Business environment is becoming more and more complex, and this increasing complexity places forward alternative competitive strategy. More organizations today realize the role that human capital plays in sustainable development and creation of unique and lasting customer value (Millmore,, 2007). With that in mind, the attention of academic and business circles to a great degree is directed to the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) and the contribution that strategic HRM-driven approach to organizational development can make in the near and long-term future (Millmore, 2007). The history of the HRM function in the organization illustrated the long path of evolution. HRM transformed from a supportive secondary function, handling administrative issues, related to employment relationships back at the beginning of the twentieth century, to strategic organizational asset somewhat twenty years agoreference – nothing to reference. It is a general thought.. Today, HRM is a strategic driver as many contemporary businesses see HRM today. More and more often we read about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and HRM as the ways to build on corporate culture and bring in shared values environmentreference / focus ? – no reference. These CSR and HRM-driven organizations are those that outline the future direction of the business. Recruitment process is the key for these organizations as human capital is the core competence and major strategic asset of these organizations. (Boxall and Purcell, 2011).
(I am not sure why you separated it in a separate paragraph – it is the continuation of the thought above – but I will leave it up to you to decide.The reason to put CSR and HRM side by side is the interdependency of the HRM strategies with the CSR role of the company, as motivation, job satisfaction and personal development in modern companies is highly dependent today on the organizational ability to develop a drive to comprehend and belong in their personnel. Focus on question ? – The focus is the fact that recruitment should target sustainability and retention and it is only possible, when the company is able to bring forward the above mentioned elements (mmotivation through ‘purpose’, feeling of belonging”. – again, it should be part of the first paragraph.
Taking into consideration the importance of the communities and higher degree of individual awareness, selection andthe recruitment process in the companies should be able to address the needs of the local population and create strong organizational values.just focus on recruitment – I am sorry, but the entire work is based on the links between HRM functions and focusing only on recruitment, makes the work bold and incomplete. But if you insist, I will just exclude the element of selection. You should understand that modern literature talking exactly about this - the links between each of the functions as the key to create sustainability.
The objective of this document is to look at the role and contribution of the recruitment process as one of the prominent roles of HRM in a wider organizational context. The purpose of this study is to analyze secondary information sources and present a comprehensive review of the latest developments in the field HRM recruitment practices through the review of case studies, empirical analysis and theoretical frameworks. . The complexity of the recruitment process today is determined by the need to address Mergers& Acquisitions (M&A) as acqui-hiring element, multicultural environment and CSR. Recruitment, as the function of the HRM, has become much more creative. More specifically, it places more emphasis on simulation of the situations from real work environment and more transparent approach to job specifications and demands. The thesis of this document is: “HRM literature recognizes recruitment process as paramount part of organizational strategic development. Contemporary business environment and need for innovation placed emphasis on new and recruitment strategies and increased the focus of this HRM function.
make reference to the tutorial content and focus on person specification / recruitment methods / job advert only – it will totally change the entire document and it is not what should be done in the revision. I have changed it slightly, but I will not be able to revise the entire thesis as it will require a lot of additional work and it is not what is written and discussed in the literature I have referenced here. Additionally, you did not provide any tutorial material.
HRM Constructs in Modern Business Environment
I suggest you shorten this section to just a paragraph – it is already just a paragraph and I tried to reduce it a bit, but further reduction will make it loose coherency and the link with the rest of the document.
Literature Review on Recruitment Process
Staffing function comprises several elements, such as planning, job analysis, selection, recruitment and placement. Each of them is critically important, and the success of the function depends on individual effectiveness of the components. Contemporary business environment applies various strategies to attract and acquire expertise available on the market, and this diversity of methodologies determines the scope of recruitment analysis (Caruth, Caruth, and Pane, 2009). To start with, recruitment in modern literature is defined as the process of finding and hiring suitable candidates to fill positions and functions opened in a given organization (Brown, 2011). Recruitment process can make an essential contribution to the organizational bottom line in the situation, when it is handled in a structural and effective manner. It also can tremendouslyas well as impact financial performance as well as damage Brand reputation, when it is approached in an inaccurate way. With that in mind, the question that comes to the scene is whether aggressive and scaled recruitment process is a good or a bad thing? To answer this question is it important to look at the critical HRM constructs that have to exist in order for recruitment to take place (Fernandez-Araoz, Groysberg, and Nohria, 2009).
Good but try to shorten this section – again, it is the main part of the document, based on your question and I cannot shorten it more as it is critical to the thesis that I selected.
The fact is that recruitment is not a component of the linear process in the company, but, rather a part of continuous employment cycle that includes assessment, engagement and retention.???? – not sure what is your doubt here? The point that I am trying to make is that recruitment by itself cannot harm neither bring benefits to the company if it is not considered as part of of the circular functions of HRM, such as remuneration and reward, retention and motivation, training and development That said, recruitment can be a result of strategic organizational demand for new competences or expansion of existing expertise as well as it can be a sign of organizational disease??? – I believe it is also quite well explained – the idea is that you can recruit because the organization is growing, or because you are not good enough to retain your people and have to look to fulfil the positions due to high turnover, such as poor retention and reward strategies that increases employee satisfaction with their working environment or the company in general (Arthur, 2001). The failure of internally-oriented process, however, is not the only issue that affects recruitment process. The relationships that the organization creates with an external environment are an essential part of HRM functions. The reality shows that a lot of companies recognize the need to fulfil the positions in the company and develop robust strategies for selection of the candidates. In spite of these efforts, however, often, recruitment process does not give the results that the HRM would expect (Brown, 2011). The cause of this failure generally is to create a toolkit that enables HRM building the right match between the candidate and the job function that the company seeks to fulfil.
Just focus on recruitment please- not selection Selection Recruitment process allows finding talent, but it will not be able to answer the question about the fit of these talents to the company´s culture and the position itself. – Please note that you can never separate one sentence in a separate paragraph – this one is out of place, when you isolate it this way
At this stage, job analysis comes to play, where HRM should be able to identify the exact attributes of the specific rolethis is the 1st stage Job analysis is done constantly and repeatedly in ordert o build recruitment strategy and, thus, always goes along with the recquitment. To recruit a successful candidate, HRM job analysis should be able to supply the recruitment team with the specific details on threefold evaluation: job-oriented process, employee-oriented process and personality-oriented process. The first element provides recruitment team with technical specifications of the job. Second, employee-oriented process, process? outlines the expected expertise and experience that a candidate should possess to assume the position. Personality-oriented process, finally, completes the list by illustrating the personality traits and behavior patterns that the company considers suitable to succeed in the position (SHRM, 2012). Once equipped with the tools prepared by the job analysis frameworks, the recruitment function can become an effective instrument in cost reduction and productivity boost of the company.
Peng (2014) argues that one of the critical and, at the same time, common mistakes of the companies is the failure to recognize the needs in terms of expertise and internal capabilities that the company should meet to succeed in development of their long-term strategyto accompany organizational growth. In other words, staffing is the process that supports and addresses the requirements of the organization for current needs and future development. With that in mind, identifying Identification of the gaps between current and forecasted capabilities is a paramount requirement for recruitment. When the needs are formulated, and targets are set, planning comes to place and HRM should be able to develop a robust specific and time-bound strategy for fulfilling the needs of the organization. A lot of companies demonstrate strong ability to, which identify the needs and create a comprehensive HRM plan, but still fail to successfully execute it. One of the reasons for this failure is the lack of coherency in the job analysis that builds on the critical construct of recruitment. Dewhurst, Hancock, and Ellsworth (2013) provide an interesting summary of the methodologies and tools that enable better strategy for job design and recruitment practices. The authors discuss Competency Gap Analysis (CGA), Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) and other methodologies that are built to assist HRM in their staffing recruitment function (Dewhurst, Hancock, and Ellsworth, 2013).shorten this section
The Yahoo Inc. case study demonstrates an impressive example of HRM alignment with the organizational strategy of inorganic growth through M&A. Over the past decade, the company has acquired over fifty smaller enterprises and managed to maintain its corporate culture and highly favorable levels of employee retention. The recruitment strategy in the case of Yahoo is supported by job design and PAQ tools that address the needs of job re-design for the integration of new employees and help to continuously review the competencies that the company has to seek for (Sallivan, 2013). The example of Yahoo demonstrates how thoughtful recruitment strategy can address the issues of organizational alignment and build on the strategic growth through most complex mechanism of M&A.this is off topics – I do not think so, as you always have to support your arguments with the examples. But if you consider it of topic, you can just exclude it.
Recruitment Professionals – Motivation and Empowerment off topic I am afraid – again, it is not, as we are talking about the Literature on Recruitment process and I could choose the topic. For this work, motivation and empowerment of HRM professionals is critical for successful recruitment practices. Believe that any changes, based on your opinion are not considered as revision and I will not be able to exclude it and write new information.
Modern academic and professional literature gives a lot of attention to the challenges that the companies face in regards to motivation and empowerment of their recruitment professionals. Constantly changing context of business creates the need for higher flexibility and responsiveness of HRM to the market realities and recruitment needs. As such, acqui-hiring, talent management programs and other HRM initiatives play a significant role in a way recruitment should be approached in the companies. With that in mind, training and coaching of the HRM becomes critical for the organizational ability to react to change. Brown (2011) argues that often, recruitment decisions and process is left with the hiring manager. This approach undermines the ability to utilize on the knowledge and expertise of the HRM team. More specifically, leaving recruitment as an isolated element in the hands of the operations management will break the link of this element in the employment cycle and create potentially weak hire, affecting the retention rate within the organization. To be able to create value from the recruitment process, according to the author, it is critical to develop an internal HRM culture with transformational management and leadership approach. This leadership, according to Pieper (1990), will promote decision-making and initiative among HRM professionals themselves and will facilitate self-sustainable recruitment mechanism.
Recruitment processes have been receiving a lot of attention in the academic and professional literature. The interest to this HRM function is determined the variety of factors. First of all, external environment with newly emerged trends and constantly changing business landscape demands creativity and coherency in a way organizations approach their staffing strategy. With that in mind, more and more emphasis is placed on effective recruitment. Secondly, recruitment is part of a complex process that involves planning and job analysis and the success of the recruitment strategy is highly dependent on the effectiveness of the other two elements of the staffing function. This dependency received a lot of attention in the academic world that continues looking at effective frameworks to address job analysis and planning processes. Finally, the increasing role of recruitment in the development of sustainable employment cycle generates debate around most appropriate internal strategies for the motivation and training and development of HRM professionals. This need is created by the increasing demand for flexibility and response to changing market reality and, consequent, role of cross-functional cooperation and knowledge in the recruitment process (Roberts, 2004). A review of the literature demonstrates that it is not possible to consider, evaluate and analyze recruitment as a separate process within the organization. It is critical, however, to review the context of recruitment and its core constructs to be able to build on solid knowledge of this organizational function and the contribution that HRM can make to the success of its corporate strategy through effective staffing mechanism.
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