Assignment 3: Justification Report – Presentation
Assignment 3: Justification Report – Presentation
Gender bias in a workplace is viewed as a significant issue that concerns many employees. Thus, it is one of the most important problems that many organizations should address. Bias among workers indicates that a company needs to improve its organizational culture. That is because unequal treatment based on the workers’ gender occurs. With this, managers or leaders must avoid being biased at all times as it creates negative effects and impressions to the organization.
This Issue usually affects the women workers due to unequal opportunities given to them. On the other hand, their male counterparts are the ones who normally receive the key positions in the company because of their gender identity. Therefore, the salary gap between male and female workers occurs. Thus, it is likely that customers may develop negative views about the company. This problem normally happens due to lack of gender awareness. Many managers view male workers as more competitive than their female counterparts, which is an unfair perception. Sometimes, lower compensation or salary is offered to women as it has been the practice of many organizations. This is a significant problem that must be addressed. Otherwise, conflict between these genders may arise. The evaluation of alternatives can help in solving the gender bias problems in the workplace. There must be a way to close the salary gap between male and female workers (Probst, Roerecke, Behrendt & Rehm, 2015). Companies may also conduct training and development about gender empowerment. Thus, welcoming female applicant will also help in preventing gender bias.
Organizations must take further steps in resolving the gender bias problem. It is not enough to solve the problem by focusing on the existence of the issue. Rather, it is better to start from the hiring process, towards the progression of the employees’ career. In that case, they will be able to develop a better understanding about their counterpart and reduce the probability of stereotyping towards equality in the workplace.
Probst, C., Roerecke, M., Behrendt, S., & Rehm, J. (2015). Gender differences in socioeconomic inequality in alcohol‐attributable mortality: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Drug and alcohol review, 34(3), 267-277.