Article 1: Attention, Response Inhibition, And Face-Information Processing in Children: The Role Of Task Characteristics, Age, And Gender
The main objective of this research as established at the inception is to flourish alterations in regards to attention, face information processing, and response inhibition by essentially incorporating the use of new balloon task.
Independent Variable(S) & Dependent Variable(S)
In this research, four outcome variables were established. Y-was denoted as the average position of the balloons on the Y axis subsequent to the click, (Rosenberg-Kima, et al. 394). Therefore, the researchers used this as their dependent variable. The value of the dependent variable in this research valued between 0-400. On the other hand Speed, Balloons, and Segment were used as the independent variables
The results retrieved from this research from a development perspective established or rather made apparent the fact that; face information processing in essence normally undergo imperative changes between the ages of 7-13 years. Considering that all the participants in this study fell under this age bracket. In addition, considering that both genders were involved, the results retrieved from this research established that a similar trend of developments evident in developments that relates to face gender processing (Rosenberg-Kima et al. 400). During the experiment, girls were seen to perform much better though they compromise their accuracy was not effective enough.
Relation of this article to the course
The major concepts brought forth by the study above include attention, face-information processing, and response inhibition, in children. Considering that the concept of child development is incorporated in this course. The article not only enlightens me on this concept but also acquaints me with the effective modes of research that can be employed in learning the same by incorporating critical thinking and quantitative research.
Application to real life
Article 2: Child Protection and Psychology Education in Australian Universities
This paper seeks to bring to the front the issues of child-related psychological education programs because, at the current point in time, the Australian Universities do not offer any. It is to imply that issues of child protection and the psychological welfare of the children is not given a lot of focus and attention. Thus, it would be proper and safe to assert and mention that the psychological welfare of the children in Australia and the world in general is not given specialized academic approach from specialists in that line of duty. In retrospect, the research paper tries to bring to the limelight, the vacuum that there exists as far as psychology of the children is concerned.
Given that this is a qualitative or welfare study, the degree programs. Thus, it was concerned with the general condition of the welfare of the children psychologically. For instance, there was the aspect of emotional wellness, any prospects of physical abuse and how the society especially the academic circles were prepared to tackle the problem. It is to say that the number of degree and post-graduate programs that dealt with course of children psychology was numbered, and their actual estimation given.
Independent Variable(S) & Dependent Variable(S)
The main results of the research brought to the front the aspect of undercover age in terms of specialization in children psychology (Crettenden and Danielle 77). It is to say that the number of a trained specialist in the country-Australia was relatively less since the Universities did not offer any specialized courses and programs to cover child psychology.
Relation of this article to the course
This research relates with the notion of the need of specialized treatment to handle psychological issues. It is to stress the need of the increased number of psychology courses in Universities and around the world.
Application to real life
The everyday life of human beings revolves around and is fully based on the psychological wellness of that particular human being. It is fair to assert that at times, the human person may face challenges and difficulties during his or her walk of life. The above may happen in the line of a psychological breakdown or any other mental wellness. If the society as a whole is well equipped and versed with enough specialists and caregivers, then the whole society would benefit. As a matter of principle and fact, this research and study strive to stress the fact that advanced levels of psychology courses ought to be introduced and added to the learning curriculum in Universities. It is imperative and beneficial, for instance, to the children who may undergo psychological trauma and get proper treatment thereafter.
Works Cited
Crettenden, Angela, and Danielle Zerk. "Child Protection And Psychology Education In
Australian Universities." Australian Psychologist 47.2 (2012): 77-89. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Dec. 2014.
Rosenberg-Kima, Rinat B., and Avi Sadeh. "Attention, Response Inhibition, And Face-
Information Processing In Children: The Role Of Task Characteristics, Age, And Gender." Child Neuropsychology 16.4 (2010): 388-404. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Dec. 2014.