We all know that it is the century of well-developed technology, and we all use electronic devices, especially computers. Computers became as the most essential part of our everyday life, which have changed our lives completely, and it is impossible to even imagine our life without it. Nowadays, people tend to use computers for a great variety of purposes. We spend our time working with computers, listening to music, studying, contacting with our friends, browsing the Internet, playing different video games, watching and even making films using computers. It is considered as the best option to simplify all our works, which are so time-consuming, and it helps us to save our time. Moreover, as it is widely used by billions of people from all over the world, it is considered as one of the common sources of sharing information in our days. We can easily search for any information we need on the Internet just by using a computer. The number of people, who connect the Internet, is increasing rapidly year by year. In our days, in the century of well-developed technology, we cannot find people, who do not know what the Internet is. It even became people’s everyday habit, which cannot be separated. Today, there are numerous social media tools that provide us with a great range of information. All that social media tools help us to share information from different places from all over the world.
Recently, with the progress and universal penetration of social networks, numerous online scaffolds became significant congress for people about health and health care. Social media, like Web- or mobile-based, encourage interaction of people by allowing people to share, create, and view user-generated idea. Even before the social media become popular, patients have always been searching some medical information online from different sources. It was made a research among patients from a primary care and 53.5% of respondents said that they used the Internet to find some medical information. It was established that 60% of those people who usually use the Internet to find medical information think that the quality of information, which was found online was the same as their doctors provided. They say that sometimes they can find an even better recipe than the ones given by their own doctors. The survey that was made in 2013 proved that health professionals and patients use social media for a great range of purposes. They gain knowledge, seek for social support and sometimes their exchange advice, where various health professionals communicate with their colleagues and even market their services.
Moreover, from the earliest times, people use social media tools in order to share some hazard information. They forecast the weather and warn us about some natural disasters beforehand in order to protect people from those disasters. We get warnings from various sources: from television, trom the Internet, from radio. We even receive some messages on our cell phones about some natural disasters. Today, almost all mobile communications provide us such service, which make distributions of warnings and in some way help us to save people’s life. Nowadays, I can say that these methods are very effective, because we all use that tools such as television, the Internet, cell phone and radio.
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