Canada is a case foreign country that shall be regarded in this instance. The Canadian Journal of human rights has been on a high in highlighting instances that are part parcel of human rights (Kress). In the previous publications, the journal has been focused on the protection of child rights. In this context, it has been on the forefront to fight against instances such as child neglect by parents. In the majority of its publications, the journal had been championing on inclusivity when it comes to the treatments offered to children. In this regard, equality has been the most overriding fact in the instances that guide the functionality of institutions such as schools. In some of the publications dating the year two thousand and thirteen, it is reasonable to come to the conclusion that, children were at the verge of suffering under the hands of their parents and their respective caregivers. Case studies of violence on children were also manifested. A critical view of the paper and its successive publication revealed that ignorance, among other factors culminates to the behavior of parents towards their children.
Kenya is another case study that I took due regard in the investigation of the instance that relates to human rights. In my successive analysis of the headlines that centered on human rights, I came to the realization that human rights were violated in many forms that the paper brought to book and was at the position of fighting for (wembwa). In most of the cases that were highlighted in the newspaper that is of a daily type, it was manifested that, women were the most affected group of the society that suffered under the whims of gross violations of fundamental rights and freedoms. Indecent assault, rape and inhuman treatments are some of the events that entail the violation that targeted women. From my readings, I concluded that, most of the violated rights assumed the social position. In this case, social rights were the most vulnerable rights in as far as women were concerned.
Norway is another country that I took into regard. Nordic Journal on Human rights revealed the following instances as far as human rights are concerned; the right to vote should be upheld (Peter). In this case, the political process had been highlighted in most of the publications to be the most impacting when it comes to the violation of human rights. The journal information followed the events that had taken place in the ushering in of the new government. The male members of the society had crippled the chances of women to take part in elections and express their civil rights to their full satisfactions. Instances of mechanization of ways to prevent women from contesting in the elections were also prevalent.
In Australia, the Australian Journal of Human Rights touched on almost every aspect that is pertinent to human rights. However the case, the most featured rights were along economic rights. In such cases, the economic rights such as the right to own property and the right to take part engage in business without under influence from the government were manifested. In these instances, people’s views expressed in the newspaper were along the realms of, the government was acting in an unethical manner in the way it treated business persons and property holders. Uncalled for taxation and added charges were progressively increased (Phyllon). In most of these cases, human rights activists alongside the opposition in government joined hands to fight for what was sloganned as, withdrawal of a fundamental rights from authentic citizens.
Fort Wayne Syria Journal Gazette is a publication that features in Syria. In my study of its most touching publications, instances of human rights were a common phenomenon. It was characterized by killings that have engulfed the country for over six years now. Following the killings, it had come to the light of Syrian citizens that, one of their inherent rights that are, the right to life had been overtaken by deaths that were to some extent, more than the birth rate (Ahmed). Also, the publication brought to light that, amidst the killings several inhuman rights had been violated. An example to this is false persecution.
In my research, I was motivated by the fact that, the counties I had selected presented different and diverse aspects of human rights. In this regard, I came to appreciate that, almost every society has an instance human rights violations. However, the situation is worse when comes to countries that are not politically stable. I have learnt that, the whole concept of human rights should be entrenched in every society to make it possible for the full realization of their essence.
Works Cited
Ahmed, Tahllem. "Why Kill Us?" Fort Wayne Syria Journal Gazette (2010): 5-16.
Kress, Creig. "Children Rights." Canadian Journal of Human Rights (2011): 2-6.
Peter, Stocke. "Civil Rights." Nordic Journal of Human Rights (2011): 20-23.
Phyllon, Martin. "Economic Rights." Australian Journal of Human Rights (2013): 45-48.
wembwa, John. "Violation of Women Rights." The Standard (2012): 5-4.