Abu Dhabi What associations the imagination depicts in the mind of a person who hears this name? Mirror skyscrapers and mosques, beautiful gardens and huge shopping centers, vivid oriental markets, golf, Formula -1, international exhibitions, high level of service, cultural heritage and delight with the fantastically fast temper of the city development. There is nothing unreal in it, just the truth. Abu Dhabi is obliged for all its merits to the incredible efficiency, workability and far-reaching plans of the city authorities. Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority is one of such organizations.
Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority is an organization which demonstrates the city to the whole world, encourages the cultural environment and the educational segments, protects the historical heritage. Abu Dhabi’s popularity as a touristic destination is the service of Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority. To provide the travelers and the potential city guests with all the necessary for the trip information is one of the Authorities tasks. The informational touristic centers in the city, interactive kiosks, websites with useful content and services (hotel-flight-car booking), and the familiarity tours – all is done by this organization. The programme «Partners in Progress», introduced on 2009 represents the ‘One Destination’ approach and aims to mould the stable tourism industry based on the already built strong base. Industry Advisory Panel (led by TCA Abu Dhabi), several Industry Development Committees, annual industry forum are the part of this programme. Abu Dhabi visitors and all interested should be grateful to “Partners in Progress” for the magazine Seyaha (available in the tourist offices and at the business lounges of some airports) and the This Month Magazine (the monthly newsletter with the information about cultural events).
Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority has set the highest standards for the touristic business. To control these standards the Authority is responsible for all tourism-related licenses. The company uses the special online revenue and statistic system, exploited by the hotels to submit their revenue and analyze the statistic data about the visitors. This gives the clear understanding of the current situation in the touristic business and moves to the development and implementation of the new enhanced technologies for the future. Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority is the member of “Advision 2030” programme, the 25-year city development programme of the urban evolution.
The contemporary touristic market is versatile and not limited only by the shopping, the sports or the beach. Realizing this, Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority creates favorable conditions for Business Tourism. The conferences, the forums, the exhibitions and the other business events are the habitual practice of the city already. The ambitious target for this area is to make Abu Dhabi the global business event leader.
No matter if a visitor is a simple traveler or a busy businessman, he needs the intellectual food. Under the high-end technologies and the cosmic development rate veil, Abu Dhabi, fortunately, may be found as old-fashioned in terms of its history and traditions. The cultural heritage of Abu Dhabi is the exclusive treasure of the city. Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority controls and protects historic landscapes, ancient buildings and monuments, natural heritage, archeological sites. The world-class Abu Dhabi Museums are under the intent Authority management.
What does Abu Dhabi mean for a local resident? Abu Dhabi is a challenge, which should be accepted the younger generation and taken by the older one. In the true, the city changes for better everyday. This means that already tomorrow younger generation should invent the innovational steps to move forward. Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority not only gives the worthy working places, but train the city to get the new knowledge and the experience. The Authority grants the possibilities to get this knowledge and then to show this knowledge. Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority, under the Emiratisation programme, holds the trainings and the accreditations for the different ages (there are even the courses for the schools), levels and segments. A specially organized Authority’s Industry Awareness section is responsible for conducting such events in the modern tourist industry. The National Library, one of the main country treasuries, impresses by the sizes and volumes and is the vital source of the new knowledge.
The contemporary Art is of great importance for Abu Dhabi citizens. A programme of visual and performing arts, conducted by Abu Dhabi Tourism& Culture Authority, provides UAE artists support at their first steps to Art Olympus.
Abu Dhabi is the example of the infinite human abilities, ambitious decisions and innovations courage. Abu Dhabi is done to impress, Abu Dhabi Tourism& Culture Authority exists to make these impressions.
Abu Dhabi Tourism& Culture Authority. Retrieved from http://tcaabudhabi.ae/en
Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau. Retrieved from http://abudhabi-cb.ae/en/pages/default.aspx
Dar Alkutub. Retrieved from http://library.adach.ae/en/
Abu Dhabi. Travelers welcome. Retrieved from http://visitabudhabi.ae/en/default.aspx
Industry development. Retrieved from https://industrydevelopment.adta.ae/default.aspx