Q1 (a) Adichie’s essay presented two basic examples based on the concept of feminism that exists in the minds of men. At first, she illustrated that how she preferred to wear clothes that were less feminine while going to her graduation school. The example gives an impression to the audience that men in the society think that girls are a weaker entity. It also provides an idea that girls have insecurity. Therefore, they tend to look manly to prove themselves as stronger while making a public appearance
Q1 (b) Another example that Adichie’s essay has provided is that she has raised a question that why boys only have to pay the bill. In this concern, it enlightens the audience that boys are being taught to show domineering power by paying the bills at the restaurant. Nevertheless, it also gives an idea of the audience that women consider themselves inferior to men. Therefore, they prefer being dominated by men in the restaurants as well.
Q2 Literary term helps in analyzing the fictional works by providing the precise details that makes the story impactful. The theme is considered as the first aspect of literacy as it illustrates the main subject of the fictional work. The second aspect is known as characterization. It gives details about the nature of the characters involved in the literature. Thirdly, imagery is also a significant aspect of literacy as it indicates all the sensual discernments involved in fictional work. The smile and metaphor are also important as simile is added where two different things are compared in a story, whereas metaphor makes use of indirect ways to compare two different entities. A person knows the fifth aspect as allusion that is an ordinary reference in fictions or an event depicted. The sixth aspect of literacy is based on symbolism that makes use of symbols in the story to characterize thoughts or qualities. The last aspect of literacy is diction which illustrates in a literacy about the style in which the characters and story has been illustrated in the fictional work.
Q3 (a) The most interesting fact inscribed in the article is that women in the 20th century helped in designing the first digital supercomputer for the Soviet Union in 1951. It proves that women were equally qualified. However, they got lesser money on the job as compared to men.
Q3 (b) Women in the olden times were involved in construction works. With the passage of time, architecture has become male-domineering field as most of the people feel that women are not strong enough to collaborate in the construction work.
Q4 The historical sources in the video help support the argument that black women are considered as inferior. The video provided a historical source on how black women were enslaved and assaulted by White men in the olden times. The video has also made it evident that media has also portrayed Black woman as an outrageous entity by making them look contemptible.
Q5 (a) After reading the articles of Azeezat Johnson, Harry Giles, and Jenée Desmond-Harris, I came to realize that most explicit definition is being shown in Harry Giles article as he has provided a precise detail that intersectionality is unified nature of communal classifications including racism and gender discrimination. Whereas Jenée Desmond-Harris’s article only talked about the role that intersectionality plays in society. Similarly, Azeezat Johnson’s article gave more examples rather than defining intersectionality.
Q5 (b) The two examples provided in the article based on the attitude of cops towards black drivers and the way media is portraying black people as criminal and livid can be considered as an intersectional approach due to the fact that black people are being maligned by white on the social media and in real life as well.
Q5 (c) The artwork described in the article can be considered as intersectional as it is breaking the stereotype that black people is only involved in criminal art. Whereas, this article and video proved that how black people are all sought to entertain the general public through the performance art as well. The performance art depicted in the video and article has a better impact on society as compared to traditional art as it is a live performance where people belonging from different ethical and racial group can collectively take part and enjoy the artwork.
Q6 Fictional and performance art is a medium that encounters the issues of gender discrimination and racism. Just like essays and articles, it gives an audience an overview of the issues related to identity, difference, and society in an activity-based format of artwork. The literature writings only offer a contextual review of the issues and experiences whereas people in society are facing the fictional and performance delivers an optical vision to the audience to understand the complexities of issues that.
Works Cited
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. We Should All Be Feminists. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2014.
Belmore, Rebecca. "Vigil." Rececca Lemore, 19 December 2002. www.rebeccabelmore.com/video/Vigil.html. Accessed 29 January 2017.
Campbell, Erin J. Old Women and Art in the Early Modern Italian Domestic Interior. New York: Routledge Publishers, 2016.
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