Global warming is a phenomenon that is affecting the whole world and is causing climate change. Evryone feels the effects of the changing climate and by exploring the phenomenon, I plan to find the cause of the problem and away of minimizing the effects.
Working Research Question.:
What is the major cause of global warming and climate change and what steps can an individual take to minimize the effects?
Preliminary Research:
Preliminary research shows that global warming is the increase of the Earth’s temperature over time. There have been several occurrences in the past where the temperature rose but those were of natural causes. The major cause of global warming is man’s activities on earth. These include deforestation, mining, burning of fossil fuels and dumping waste in landfills among others. Despite the availability of facts to prove the earth’s temperature is rising, there exist skeptics who do not believe this. People like these are misguiding others on the truth of the matter. The research if success full should provide answers to the following questions:
What are other causes of global warming?
What initiatives are applicable to minimize the effects of global warming?
As an individual, what role can you play in the reduction of global warming?
What my audience may assume:
Global warming is only affecting one part of the world since the climate and temperatures here have remained relatively the same. They may also assume that temperature and climate are the same thing, however, they will conquer will the steps necessary to help reduce the effects of global warming.
Working bibliography:
In the article, several scientists discredit the myths surrounding the causes of global warming and through scientific evidence prove that global warming is ongoing. These myths are that global warming stopped between 1996 and 1997, the sun is causing global warming and that scientists make predictions among others.
This article explains how the sea level is rising because of global warming. Apart from climate change, the polar caps are melting at a faster rate than normal causing an rise in sea level. The elevated ssea water in turn cause disasters such as floods and tsunamis among others.
The writers of this article discuss ways in which the government in Canada is planning on initiating new regulations and policies. They insist that policies should be cost effective, administratively feasible, politically feasible and equitable. These are but a few steps in the right direction for reducing and managing global warming.
The writer of the article summarizes 10 simple steps that one can follow to help in the reduction of global warming. These include recycling rather than dumping in landfills, carpooling in a fuel-efficient car and using renewable sources of energy instead of fossil fuels among others.