Intention of the Study
The intention of the researchers in this study was to investigate how the psychosocial characteristics of work correlated with presenteeism (Janssens et al. 331).
Researchers can either use the descriptive or inferential approach when performing studied. The researchers employed the inferential approach. In addition to describing the data collected, the researchers also applied various statistical tests in order to measure the association between variables. For instance, the researchers use multiple logistic regressions to establish the correlation between presenteeism and psychosocial factors (Janssens et al. 334). Additionally, the researchers also t-tests and chi-square tests to determine the differences in gender between the health behavior, socio-demographic and the psychosocial work characteristic (Janssens et al. 333). Using this approach, the researchers are able to derive conclusions that have ramifications beyond the data collected
Study Variables
The dependent variables use by Janssens et al. (334) was presenteeism which was measured by the frequency with which the employees attended work while they were still ill in the previous year. Janssens et al. (334) used several independent variables. One independent variable was job demands, a variable conceptualized as conflicting demands, mental workload and the restrictions of the organization regarding the completion of tasks. The other independent variables included job control, social support, rewards, bullying, and work-family conflict. The outcomes of the study were also affected by the confounding variables such as age, educational level, gender, and work sector.
Study Population
The participants of the study were derived from seven public administrations or companies spread throughout Belgium (Janssens et al. 333). One of the characteristics of the desired participants was an age bracket of between thirty and fifty-five years. Of all the people who were invited to participate, 2983 people volunteered as participants. 46% (1372) of the participants were men while 54% (1611) were women (Janssens et al. 333). The participants were drawn from various institutions. 39% of the participants were employed in three companies in the service sector, 53% worked in three public administrations, and a further 8 % who worked in a manufacturing company. Of all the participants, 72% were employed full-time (Janssens et al. 333).
Data Collection Methods
The preferred data collection method was a self-administered questionnaire. Part of these questionnaires was a standardized tool for assessing socio-demographic variables, individual variables, the psychosocial characteristics of the work environment, and the health behaviors of the participants (Janssens et al. 333).
Statistical Analysis
The researcher uses multiple logistic regressions to explore the correlation between presenteeism and psychosocial factors (Janssens et al. 334). Additionally, the researchers also t-tests and chi-square tests to determine the differences in gender between the health behavior, socio-demographic and the psychosocial work characteristic (Janssens et al. 333). The researchers also performed multicollinearity screening by calculating the variable inflation factors at a significance level of 5%.
The study concluded that contextual psychosocial factors and factors related to the job content are significant predictors of presenteeism. Even after the confounding factors such as neuroticism and health behavior were controlled, these factors were still significant the researchers employed several logistic regressions to explore the association between presenteeism and psychosocial factors (Janssens et al. 334). Additionally, the researchers also t-tests and chi-square tests to determine the differences in gender between the health behavior, socio-demographic and the psychosocial work characteristic (Janssens et al. 341).This shows the importance of the work environment on the attendance behavior of employees the researchers used several logistic regressions to explore the association between presenteeism and psychosocial factors (Janssens et al. 334). Additionally, the researchers also t-tests and chi-square tests to determine the differences in gender between the health behavior, socio-demographic and the psychosocial work characteristic (Janssens et al. 345).
I find the conclusions of the researchers agreeable. This is because people spend a significant amount of time at the workplace and are exposed to many of these factors.
Works Cited
Janssens, Heidi, Clays, Els, De Clercq, Bart, De Bacquer, Dirk, Casini, Annalisa, Kittel, France, and Braeckman, Lutgart. Association between eh psychosocial characteristics of work and presenteeism: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 29.2(2016): 331-334.