Audience Name
Dear Audience,
Following the many apparent problems faced by musicians in the industry, this letter will essentially present solutions to the financial constraints faced by the upcoming musicians and a justification of the same.
Description of the problem
Working in any field that requires creativity is quite challenging and music industry is a no exception to this. Being a manager, musician, band member, agent, promoter or producer- your position do not matter in this case because you are bound to face problems and bumps along the way. Apart from the many problems faced by musicians in their struggle towards triumph, the most apparent problem faced by the upcoming musicians is the financial constraints posed to them. Essentially, an upcoming musician needs money to record his or her music, pay the producers, market his or her music, mastering, mixing, music video etc. following the huge demands by the industry it is apparent that the upcoming musician will face financial constraints.
Proposed solution
When faced with funding problems as an upcoming musician, it is essential not to evade the problem but rather deal with the disappointment using appropriate measures. Rome was not build in a day, an upcoming musician should understand that there is more to being in the industry than just getting shows and producing music, one has to begin from somewhere, unless you are a son or a daughter to the big fish.
Alternatively, you can look for a venture capitalist. Considering that you are a musician aspiring to develop in the music industry, you will have to seek financial support from venture capitalists, venture capitalists will assist you look for investors that have recommendable history in matters relating to music investment. This is normally recommendable when in a fix financial situation because such people provide instantaneous support as long as you make it certain for them that the investment is worth the risk.
Another alternative solution to the financial constraint is to visit arts council. In most countries, there exist organizations motivated to nurture young and upcoming talents, by convincing the arts council that you indeed have a talent and you are ambitious towards nurturing it. Some give loans and some offer grants, it is advisable to first try convincing those that give grants then try borrowing loan if this doesn’t’ succeed.
Justification to the solution
Some proposed solutions may appear credible but not practice. It is therefore of utmost importance to justify the problem before putting it into practice. Music angel investors have nurture so many talents, according to musicians that went through financial problems before fully establishing themselves, most of them ascertains the fact that looking for a Music angel investor is a good solution to go by.
Looking for capitalist is recommendable because of so many apparent reasons. Considering that such people are motivated to make profit, you can always convince them that you are indeed an asset. The good thing about this is that, you will be guarded by the law and no venture capitalist will take advantage and exploit you.
Visiting arts council and many other organizations that nurture talents by offering grants have been established to be the most effective because such councils normally demand nothing in return, in this way an upcoming musician can always seek support from such organizations.
I am hopeful that the solutions mentioned herein will work to solve the financial problems faced by the upcoming musicians out there.