The importance of the role of an Early Child Hood Development practice and practitioner are both of eminent nature because of the cognitive influence these marks over the society. The public policies are developed cautiously in the light of proven theories to carve the practice of childcare, preschools, federal programs, and public schools (Duby, 2014). The function of an Early Childhood Professional encompasses over the spectrum of conceptualization, synergy, instruction and evaluation. The responsibility to attain the target of educating demand austere dedication for the development and implementation of services. The constant refinement is the evident feature of the practice that marks the ongoing process refinement with the passage of time. Therefore, the challenges and opportunities in the field keep ample space for research and development in the horizon of responsibility. Hence, this is the reason that reflection and evaluation are considered the eminent part of the profession. The role of early childhood professional is cultivated with a rationally developed degree programme that intend to cater the psychological, social, emotional and cognitive needs of the leaner's with a tailored approach to meet the demand in the most constructive and efficient manner (Hirschland, 2011). The core element of tone and ethical concerns transform the everyday conduct of a teacher into a professional practice. Meanwhile, the personal training with the subsequent knowledge to read the behavior and conduct of learner and analyze the developmental needs is also the other essential feature of the profession.
Pertaining to the delicacy and importance of the subject, the profession of early childhood development is much focused by research and advisory bodies. Mills in his book, 'The Sociological Imagination' proffers the link of issues faced by individual with social dilemmas. Hence, on the same prophesy the contemporary educational issues are being raised and focused by the specific field and organizations to provide feedback on the highlights. For example, the increased tendency of obesity and even the impact of public policy and political agendas on the practices and social life of the learners is coherently researched and analyzed by the relevant organizations to evaluate and provide the most accurate findings with a suggestion. The purpose of such vigilance is to serve the target of professionalizing the field with optimum standards and relevant concepts and theories in the modest approach, so as to nurture early education practice and constructively serve the society (BarbaraGebhard, 2011).
An efficient and reflective early childhood professional should stay tuned with such literary suggestions and invest the effort to apply the recommendations and suggestions of the findings in the practice. Hence, this is the very circle of development of the profession of Early Childhood development. The circle of theoretical development can be monitored with the evidence of the influence of the preceding theories marked in contemporary learning with advanced considerations. The theories of Montessori, Piaget and Vygotsky can be the point of reference against the statement. Precisely, it can be claimed that the profession of Early Childhood Development is a cross disciplinary module with the immense responsibility of serving as an advocate for children and families.
Keeping a fair view on the topic, one must admit the challenging nature of the profession. Personally, I feel an immense responsibility with a view of influence the profession mark on society, families and individual. I personally feel that distinct socializing tactics in an open environment or natural fields can be a great help to teach the kids with live lessons in a monitored environment. The age appropriate places can be selected for the purpose to let them feel the empowerment within them and raise confidently. My modest approach can be condemned by many. Yet, I believe that learning with reflections is the most intricate part of learning in this profession.
The sociological style of an individual represents the attitude, behaviour and flexibility of an individual towards the contribution in society. For me the element is far more important because of my sensitive nature that allowed me to choose a responsible and observant mode of living style. The area which i consider needs improvement in my personal conduct from the perspective of social imagination is that of 'innovation'. I am too fond of bringing an adapting innovations. Where its fashion, concepts or new equipments. I feel fascinated to use them and experience them. Even at times I try to reinvent processes and practices. I strongly believe that such a behaviour could be an obstruction in my aspired living style as a role model, pertaining to the immediate conceiving power of the audience and massive impact on society .
Hence, I believe that in such a state my responsibility towards my attitude is aggravated on grounds of the impact that influence young minds who appraise my conduct. This could rather be considered as an example of applied sociology .Precisely, I account my social perspective as a rational, responsible and optimistic contribution. In addition, at this shallow practical experience on the field, I need to control my instincts of innovation and early adaptation without any expert opinion / evidence to secure constructive result on society.
B arbaraGebhard L.N. (2011). 10 Policy Recommendation to build a s strng infant- toddler worksforce Zero to three , 44.
Duby, J. C. (2014). Connecting Science, Policy, and Practice. Zero to Three , 14.
Hirschland, D. (2011). TRAINING, CONSULTATION, AND MENTORING: . Zero to Three , 18.
Mills, C. W. (2000). The Sociological Imagination. Amitai Etzioni.
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, U. B. (2009). Sociological Re-Imaginations in & of Universities. HUMAN ARCHITECTURE-Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge , 282.
Vance, E. (2014). Class Meetings: Young Children Solving Problems Together (Rev. ed.) . NAEYC.