The level of confidence in the military can be rated to be at its top. The ranking of the confidence is based from onset of the recruitment of soldiers and how they carry out their missions once the training is over. Individuals, who are interested in joining the army, are required to be citizens. These individuals are required to have an education; one must at least have a diploma from high school. The individuals are required to be mentally and physically fit. Age plays a role in the recruitment of persons to the military, the person are required to be over seventeen years and should not be above thirty six years. The recruitment process demands that these individuals not have a criminal record. The individuals are also, required to be of certain height and weight. This is measured using the Body Mass Index. The military undergoes a very intensive training to test their confidence based on the requirements for being recruited. The intensive training teaches the recruits to adapt to life in the military and also on being a good soldier. The skills that these recruits obtain can be used even after the individuals retire from the military.
There has been a lot of interest in the military rating how prepared recruits are for combat in war zone. There is a high level of confidence in the military based on the many battles they have managed to conquer. The confidence is however, affected by the fact that recruits go straight to combat without any experience. People have suggested that they should at least stay out of combat to gain a little experience. However, the kind of experience needed can only be obtained at the battle field. Since the terrorist’s attacks in September 2011, the military has done its best to ensure that its citizens are secure. The security has been heightened and this has been maintained by every president that comes to power. The murder of the most wanted man in the world who was Osama Bin Laden gave the military the highest level of confidence and recognition in the world.
The military has been known to fire military officers whose work seems not efficient enough. Military officers are trusted and people show confidence in them. The military has maintained a high level of confidence because it is accountable and fair in its activities. The most important factor is that the military is competent. The military has instilled the young Americans to have principles of nationality. The military culture demands discipline; and today’s youth can greatly benefit from the military culture. The military has its challenges and these challenges make it perform better. American soldiers are greatly respected and are recognized in the country. Some complains, are that; people who have retired or been injured in the military face difficulties financially once they are not in the force. The soldiers face post traumatic depression and some have no help to ease their pain. The problems some of them face affect both men and women. Complains are yet to be fully handled by the government.
Variables used
The level of education has been used to conduct the research on confidence in army. Questions have been put out there to determine whether people have confidence in the military based on their level of education. These questions have also been based on gender, race, age groups and marital status. This research was brought about by the research done by journalist in the country, about having women in the military. Also the recent news that has seen criminal investigators link army soldiers in cases of fraud during recruitment programs. The confidence in military soldiers has been put to test to reduce the large number of casualties in war especially in Afghanistan and Iraq. The highest number of casualties results from the new recruits (Cimbala 124).
Gender has been used to test confidence in the military, because of the stereotype that label men to warriors and women to be non-combatant. Men in the society are referred to as the superior gender. Some hypotheses in research show Men have greater confidence in the army. Gender has been said to affect the cohesion that military units have. It is said that military units including men alone are stronger than those that are mixed with women. On basis of a good degree it is depicted that those who have a higher education show less support in the military. The married people also exhibit a high level of confidence in the military compared to their single colleagues. Age also, affects the level of confidence in the military. The level of confidence exhibited by older generation is very low compared to the younger generation of men and women.
White American are said to be more confident with the military while compared to their African Americans. However, not so much research has been done to support these claims. Hispanics have also shown to exhibit a high level of confidence in the military.
Relationship between age group and confidence in army
The above tables show that a great deal of every age group had confidence in the military. A fraction of all age groups also showed to have only some confidence in the military. Smaller percentage groups showed they had hardly any confidence in the military. The confidence in military increased gradually from age groups of ten until fifty, after fifty the level of confidence decreased gradually. This decrease can be attributed to ageing or lack of information on military activities.
The hypotheses that war generation has more confidence in military because they experienced war already do not hold according to the above information provided in the tables.
Relationship between race and confidence in army
The table above shows that the whites showed a great deal of confidence in the military by a very large number. The blacks who showed a great deal of confidence were very few in number. Other races that showed a great deal of confidence were few. The whites who showed only some confidence in the military was high while the blacks who showed only some confidence in the ministry was more compared to blacks who showed a great deal of confidence in the military. Other races, which showed only some confidence in the military, were very few. The whites who showed hardly any confidence in the military was few, the blacks who also showed hardly any confidence in the military was even lower. Other races were lowest in indicating that they had any confidence in military. The hypotheses that whites have high confidence in military holds based on the above tables.
Relationship between marital status and confidence in army
The tables above show that a high number of married people showed a great deal of confidence in the military. The never married followed in number to show a great deal of confidence in the military. The divorced followed the never married to show a great deal in confidence in the military. The widowed followed the never married to show a great deal in confidence in the military. Those who were separated recorded the least number to show a great deal in confidence in the military. The married lead in showing only some confidence in the military followed by the never married who were followed by the divorced. The divorced were followed by the widowed to show only some confidence in military. The separated showed the least number in showing only some confidence in the military.
The never married showed a great number in having hardly any confidence in the military. They were followed by the married, who were followed by the divorced. The widowed and the separated showed the least number in having hardly any confidence in the military. The hypotheses that married people have a high confidence in military because of their responsibilities holds based on the above tables.
Relationship between degree and confidence in army
The above tables show that students in high school showed a great deal of confidence in the military. They were followed by those who were in LT High School. They were then followed by those doing a bachelor. The graduates followed, while those in junior college followed with the least number in showing a great deal in confidence in the military.
Those in high school showed a high number on having only some confidence in the military. They were followed by those doing bachelors, who were followed in number by graduates. The LT high school followed the graduates. Junior college showed the least number in showing only some confidence in the military.
Relationship between gender and confidence in army
The tables above show that females showed a great deal of confidence in the military compared to men who recorded a lower number. A higher number of women also showed to have only some confidence in the military compared to men who recorded a lower number. Females who showed to have hardly any confidence in the military were many while men who showed to have hardly any confidence in the military were lesser. The hypotheses that men have more confidence in the military because they have more responsibility does not hold based on the above tables.
Confidence in the military is measured by different factors. People who have more responsibility tend have confidence in the military. Confidence in the military helps people to invest in the country without fear. The access to information regarding the military is important because it will help the public to know their achievements. Some of the people who have high confidence in the military view it as their obligation to support the government and they do not think that they the option of not having confidence in the military. Challenges in conducting this research are that some of the military information that ought to be in the public is kept secret. Also, families who have members in the military felt obliged to have confidence in the military.
This kind of research should be carried out in the military itself so that we can have their views on the same subject. They know how best how the military operates and can give a better insight. The research should also be carried out by asking people to just give views about the military without a yes or no answer. Recommendations could be drawn that can help the military take care some of the issues that the public have with the army (Hill, Wong and Gerras). Filling questionnaires in selected institutions and conducting phone interviews by randomly selecting phone numbers is the best way to conduct this kind of research. This kind of research is prone to errors because it includes all kinds of people. The errors that occur during collection of such data can make findings become biased and hence various researches should be done in order to compare information. The army has done a commendable job over the years and should applaud because they have helped maintain peace in the country and in the warring nations.
Works Cited
Cimbala, Stephen. U.S military strategy and the cold war regime. New York: Sharpe Inc, 2014.
Hill, Andrew A., Leonard Wong and Stephen J. Gerras. The Origins & Lessons of Public
Confidence in the Military. 2014. Web. 8 April 2014.