Source: WSJ, Software for Smaller Doctors’ Offices Getting More Venture Attention, By Timothy Hay, November 13, 2014.
Analysis: The graph shows that the number of venture investments in medical software has markedly decreased from 1997. Accordingly, the total investments have also taken a downward turn. Both the figures remained low till 2010. From 2011, the total investments have started rising considerably, though the number of fundings has taken a moderate pick-up. This indicates that the fundings are now small in number but larger in size.
Graph 2:
Source: WSJ, How the day of Release could Affect Music Sales, by Hannah Carp, October 27, 2014.
Analysis: It can be observed from the graph that a Monday release of Music album provides the least increase in revenue earnings from sales of the albums. A Sunday release also is not favorable for high sales revenue. A release on a Saturday should produce the best results. Friday is also not a bad day for a music release in terms of higher sales potential.
Graph 3:
Source: WSJ, Where do Poverty and Inequality in the US Overlap?, By Neil Shah, November 18, 2014.
Analysis: We can see that from 1989 to 2012 the areas with high inequality and high poverty have increased from 29% to 37%. The areas with low poverty as well as low inequality have decreased from 50% to 34% in the same period. The areas with low inequality and high poverty had decreased in 1999 but increased again in the period between 2008 and 2012.
Graph 4:
Source: WSJ, Brain-Training App Shows How Different Jobs Demand Different Thinking, Javier Espinoza, September 22, 2014.
Analysis: The graph shows the top skills required for different professions. We can observe that doctors, teachers, lawyers, musicians require memory and language skills. The skills required by chefs and police officers are similar. Both the professions require a high degree of memory and mental agility. Architects and athletes concentrate on language skills and mental agility. For a software engineer, the top skills are focus and mental agility.