Great leaders follow different ways and create very essential changes for a community. They have a different logic than others and they can realize what is need to change in the routine life of a country or a community. Most of the people get lost among the routines in the life and the change looks horrifying for them, thus, instead of improving their lives, they prefer continuing the routines.
Every great leader has different treats, however, we can summarize a great leader's treats under four title in general: 1) Confidence, 2) Making the right decisions, 3) Being insistent and consistent, and 4) Having information about your people and having a trustable working team.
Confidence plays a preeminent role in success for a leader. As much as it provides the leader self-trust but also it provides the trust of people in the leader. If the leader has a well-developed reasoning behind his or her confidence, then confidence become meaningful and provides an important supportive factor for the leader.
A leader should be able make the right decisions in a proper way, thus his or her followers can continue their believes in the leader. A great leader should make decisions that his or her society needs, thus people can develop a trust in the leader. This treat is more relevant with experience. A leader can develop this treat in time by trying. We observe some great leaders might fail at their first times, however, in time we see that they start having success. Also a great leader should be able to be aware of all the settings for the social, economic, or political environment; therefore he can be aware of what to do change in this environment to make the people's lives better.
A great leader should be able to develop a trust in him from his or her people. To be able to do this, the leader should develop a way of thinking or logic and he or she might insistent on this. If the leader become insistent on a set of believes, then the followers can feel the consistency in the leader's decisions which makes leader stronger. If a leader keeps changing his principles, his or her followers might lose their trust in the leader.
A great leader needs a great working team. Any person in the world is not Hercules or Superman to do great things. Consequently, a great leader needs a team consisting of professional, academicians and other technical people with different specialties. The leader should be able to develop a good team which might work efficiently to provide necessary information and consulting to the leader.
Nelson Mandela is a great leader for many Africans, because he has fighted againts racism in his country and he could become the first person in the history of his country elected as president. He has become good leader, because he was aware of what was happening in his country against black people and he did not accept this situation. Instead, he has created a set of believes for the black people and he has started informing other people. He has got punished many times and even has been jailed, however, he never gave up his fight. He could get lost during his struggle because it was a very tiring dream he was following. His consistency and insistence have changed other people and they have believed in him. They have realized the same thing that Nelson Mandela was aware of: People should have equal opportunities in life and racism is a ridiculous belief.
Mayb in the South Africa, there are still problems, however people are aware that they can develop their situations, because they know that it is possible. They have realized that wrong believes like racism can create huge troubles for human kind. Nelson Mandela have been the person who taught us this idea.
Simonton, B. (n.d.). Good Leadership & Bad Leadership. Retrieved from