It is the duty of each and every person to take care of the environment and further to have in place an environment that will enable the world regenerate and in turn be favourable for the day to day living of man today and the future. Various measures have been put in place in order for this to happen. These include the coming up with the bio-degradable products and further, to look for the alternative sources of energy that reduce the amount of harmful emissions. One of these methods is the coming up with the green cars which are engine driven locomotives which tend to produce minimal or no hazardous carbon emissions and greenhouse emissions. In this essay, I will discuss the various ways in which the greencars have impacted in the betterment of the world.
Various forms of green cars have been developed from the ones which use electricity to the hydrogen vehicles, to the solar powered and further the ones that use natural gases. In addition to this various steps have been taken in order for the conventional vehicles to be bettered in terms of the reduction of the amount of carbon that they produce. Various articles and journals have been written in this line to show how the green vehicles would positively impact the environment.
Citation: Wilson, Lindsay. Shades of Green. Electric Cars’ Carbon Emissions Around the Globe (2013): 3-28.
Summary: This research was one carried out with the aim of looking into the issue electric cars all over the world. It shows the various ways in which the electric cars have impacted in the world as a whole . It further shows the various steps that the various governments have put in place in order to encourage the citizens to encourage the citizens to embrace the use of electric vehicles.
The research findings are able to show that in the countries that use coal to power their engines and for their day to day activities, the pollution levels are four times higher than the countries that have further embraced the use of the alternative sources of energy . From the comparison of the emissions from the various vehicles, it was realised that in the countries that depend highly on coal and other carbon-emitting fuels tend to have higher pollution levels as compared to their counterparts who have embraced the use of electric energy.
Lastly, it has been realised that when a comparison is done pertaining to the amount of emissions of the electric vehicles vis-à-vis that of petrol and diesel powered vehicles, the amount of emissions by an electric vehicle will always be lower.
Key Quotations:
The pollution in the various countries at times even differs depending on the location of the grid that produces the electricity.(25)
Motor vehicle emissions are a major contributor to the pollution in the country and at times even the electric vehicles are not pure since some emit carbon.(18)
The amount of emissions by the vehicles is dependent on the power source of that particular source of energy.
Citation: Madsen, Travis. "New Report: Electric Cars Are Putting the Brakes on Pollution." 24 June 2014. Environment America. 15 June 2016 <>.
Summary: This report is one which was carried out to answer the question, “Have electric cars helped in the reduction of pollution?” The number of electric vehicles sold in the past 50 years has increased by a staggering 500% and from the research carried out it has led to the reduction of the emission levels in the country. This is since; the research findings have indicated that with the increase in the number of electric cars in the country, the amount of pollution levels that may be averted by 2025 of highs of 18 million Metric tons of carbon emissions. This may in turn lead to country not only reducing the number of tail pipe pollutions but also will help the country save in terms of the gallons of gasoline used in the country within that year.
The report further stipulates that even though the power to charge the vehicles may be gotten from the coal-driven engines or sources, research has shown that these emissions are lower than those recorded from the emissions of the fuel-powered locomotives. However, it is realised that since the electricity of The United States is highly dependent on wind, solar and the low-emission forms of energy, the use of electric cars will always be cleaner and in turn reduce the amounts of pollution within the country.
Key Quotations:
Annual sales of Electric Vehicles has increased by 500% over the past 50 years
The use of electric vehicles in the country would reduce the greenhouse and carbon emissions by 18 million metric tons by 2025
The use of electric cars is cleaner than the use of the fossil-powered vehicles due to the fact that a huge percentage of the energy sources in America depend on low-emission sources of energy, wing and water.
The government should put in place measures that will help the citizens be able to acquire the green cars.
The reduction in pollution will not only benefit us at the moment but will help the coming future.
It is the duty of each individual to take measures that will help reduce the amount of pollution in the country which reciprocates in the betterment of our society now and further in the future. The use of electric vehicles is one of the readily available methods that we may use in the reduction of these pollution levels in the country. In addition to this, the government is obligated to have various statutes and measures that would encourage the members of the public to purchase the electric vehicles, such as reduction in taxes and further readily having in place the various charging stations.
Citation: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. "Real Transportation Solutions for Greenhouse gas Emissions Reductions." the Voice of Transportation (2007): 3-18.
Summary: This report was one drafted to stipulate the various ways in which the countries can have in place transportation measures which will not only help the nation to reduce the amount of greenhouse emissions and the carbon emissions but to do so in a manner that will not affect the job industry within the country. From the research it was realised that the best way of combating the issue of pollution is by either looking for the alternative sources of energy or further resulting to the alternative forms of transportation .
In addition to this, the research provided the various ways that the motorists would consider in order to reduce the amount of emissions that their vehicles produce. These ways include, them going slow on the gas and brake pedals and further considering the issue of carpooling in as a way of reducing the number of vehicles on the road.
Key Quotations:
If the individuals change how they drive, adapt new technologies in their actions and the government having in place various policies that will deter the individuals from constantly polluting the environment will help reduce the pollution levels by 16.5 %.
The use of transit and carpooling, vanpooling and further the use of telecommunication in the day to day lives of the citizens will help in the reduction of greenhouse gases in the United States.
The use of better technology in the transport industry such as, fuel efficient vehicles and the use of green vehicles have contributed to the decline of the pollution levels (11).
Evaluation: In order to reduce the pollution levels in the country, how individuals carry out their day to day activities plays a major role in the pollution levels in the country. However, the various decisions as per the research must be methods that will not affect the people’s jobs and ways of life. This is since, even though the trucks cause a huge amount of pollution to the environment, it is a source of livelihood to most individuals which in turn leads to the betterment of the economy as a whole. So the use of improved technology or the use of alternative sources of energy to power the vehicles, such as the solar vehicles and the electric vehicles are important steps which would help reduce the amounts of pollution tremendously in the country.
Citation: Benz, Karl. Framework and Dynamics of the CO2 Revolution. The automotive industry and climate change (2007): 80-87.
Summary: This research was carried out in order to show the various ways and methods that may be used in order to reduce the carbon emissions in the country. These methods included the use of efficient engines and further the using ecofriendly means as modes of transportation. One of these methods was the use of green cars which are said to reduce the amount of fossil fuels in the air and the dependency of fossil fuel in the transportation sector. In addition to this is said that the use of the alternative sources of powering the vehicles will not only help the nation but how the people drive further helps to reduce the amount of carbon emitted into the environment.
Key Quotations:
The use of low rolling tyres, early shifting of gears and further the use of energy efficient air conditioning will help reduce the amount of carbon emissions (85).
Driving green cars will help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide produced into the air and in turn will help reduce the pollution levels in the country (87).
Evaluation: carbon is one of the major pollutants of our environment, so the reduction of the carbon emissions will help the nation’s pollution levels to decline. The green cars produce no or a very minimal level of carbon when one uses them. However, the way an individual drives the car or the various accessories that the company installs into the vehicle, be it a green vehicle or the contemporary vehicles will play a part in the carbon levels within the country.
Citation:Krugman, Paul. "Building a Green Economy." 7 April 2010. The New York Times Magazine. 15 June 2016 <>.web
Summary: This article was one written to answer the question, “Will the use of green energy reciprocate in the decline of the economy?” From the article it was realised that there are various ways in which the various parties may use the low carbon-emitting and the greenhouse-gas emitting programs without affecting the economy of the country. These polluting environments must be regulated and it must be ensured that they adhere to the laws of the nation that will enable them to reduce the amount of pollutants that they release to the environment. The issue of insuring that the vehicle is of high standard and further that they produce the least amount of pollutants is a major move that the government must have in place in order to check on the pollution levels in the nation.
Key Quotations:
In the 1970’s and the 1980’s the government had in place various legislations that required that the vehicles had to meet in order for them to be able to be used within the country,
Having in place regulations that will deter individuals from polluting the environment such as fines would help in the reduction of the pollution levels in the country.
There are various mechanisms that may be used to stop the reduction of the pollution levels in the country without ultimately affecting the environment.
Although fossil fuels are among the major boosters in the nation, investment in the alternative sources of energy may further be used to raise the living standards of the individuals which will then impact in the nation’s economy positively.
Evaluation: The world at the moment is really relies on the fossils fuel and it is day tp day activities and it has been realised that these fuels are among the major pollutants in the nation. However, measures must be taken in order for the alternative sources of energy to be used in order to help reduce the pollution in the country. The country’s legislations are among the major determinants in the reduction of the pollution levels in the country. This is since the laws of the country may be used to coerce individuals to adhere to the set conservation laws of the nation.
Citation: Wilson, Lindsay. "The ‘electric cars aren’t green’ myth debunked." Shrink that foot print (2016): 1.
Summary: This article is meant to answer the question, “is it true that the electric vehicles are not as green as they are depicted to be?” This research was on which was able to prove that the even though the manufacturing of the electric vehicles is one which produces more carbon at its production stage and that the production of this electricity is at times harmful to the environment, it may be realised that the amount of emissions will always be lower than instances that one uses the conventional fossil-fuel powered vehicles. Many countries in the world use coal to run their engines and machines and in turn this means that by them using the green cars will not help the reduction of the pollution levels within the country.
Key Quotations:
Over 40 nations in the world tend to use low carbon emitting products in their day to day running of their activities and hence a lower level of pollution in their countries.
The use of coal powered plants that produce electricity does not in any way lead to the decline of the levels of pollution within the country since the amount of carbon produced so as to later power the green vehicles will have already compensated for the pollution.
The companies must have in place non-polluting methods in order for pollution to be reduced.
Evaluation: In order to ultimately reduce the amount of carbon emissions in the country, the production of the vehicles and the electricity must be done in a manner that reduces the amount of hazardous products into the environment. Lastly, the electric gases are said to be greener in terms of the carbon that they produce which reduces the amount of pollution in the country.
Citation:United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. "U.S Climate Action Report."United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2010): 86-89.
Summary: This report is one which was meant to show the various ways in which the climate has been affected, the steps that have been taken in order to combat this issue of pollution and the emissions that in turn harm the environment. From the research it was clear that the pollution levels of the United Nations are highly due to the transportation sector. It contributes to a third of the country’s general pollution levels. This is mainly due to the fact that the population is constantly rising and a huge number of individuals are able to afford vehicles. However, as a way of combating this menace of pollution various measures such as a reduced amount carbon emitting vehicles must be used in order for the pollution levels to be reduced sufficiently.
Key Quotations:
The transportation industry contributes to a third of the nation’s pollution
The effects of pollution will have an impact not only on the generation at the moment but further will impact on the generations to come.
Evaluation: As seen from the report, in order for us to have a healthy environment, the transport sector including the vehicles must be looked into efficiently. This will in turn help the nation have in place measures that will help regulate and in turn reduce the amount of gases emitted to the environment. Green cars are one of these available methods.
Citations: Suzuki, David. "Transportation Solutions."Solutions are in our nature (2014).
Summary: This article is one which is meant to show how pollution has impacted Canada and further t show the various reasons for the pollution and the ways that one can reduce pollution. It is clear that the vehicles in Canada are more than 28% of the causes of greenhouse emissions in the country. So in order to reduce the pollution levels in the nation, various steps such as bringing into the nation vehicles that emit low levels of carbon and other hazardous matter may help in the reduction of the pollution levels in the country.
Key Quotations:
In Canada, Vehicle Ownership has doubled together with the number of kilometers that are driven from 1960 till now.
The transportation of these vehicles has shifted from the use of rail to now the use of the gas-guzzling trucks.
Increase in taxes in gasoline and diesel will help deter individuals from using their gas-guzzling vehicles which will then help in the reduction in terms of the pollution levels in the country.
Evaluation: From the article, it is clear that in order to reduce the pollution levels in the country, the transport industry must be looked into. Although the government has in place various ways that it deems will in turn help the reduction of the use of the fossil powered vehicles, the individuals must personally have in place various ways that will help reduce the amount of carbon that is produced in the country. One of these ways is the use of green cars.
In conclusion, green cars help in the reduction of carbon emissions in the nation this will in turn help in the reduction of the pollution levels in the country.
Works Cited
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—. "The ‘electric cars aren’t green’ myth debunked." Shink That Foot Print (2016): 1.
Green Car Helps In Climate Change: A Sample Essay For Inspiration & Mimicking
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