Green HRM
It is the systemic and planned alignment of both the environmental objectives of an organization and ordinary human resource management activities. There are emerging issues related to green environmental governance which calls for the positioning of the operations which are termed as green in improving the environmental performance of firms. The inclusion of the green management in each day fabric and management is growing activity after the determination that green authorizations opportunities, matter for competitive benefit by the design and inventive approaches. For this to be successful, the greening operations are embedded with the strategies, mission statement and cultural dimensions of the organization and training the workers on the expected activities. There are those industries which mostly deal with green HRM such as the food service industry considering the environmental impact they could have due to their daily operations such as carbon footprint and waste.
Importance of managing people at work
Managing the human resource is one of the most crucial duties each organization should consider. The performance of all the individuals in the firm determines the overall performance of the company. Without management, there will not be full implementation of the policies put in place which promotes the overall business operations (HADDOCK-MILLAR, 2015). Such systems include motivations and duties allocation. It is necessary to determine which duties all the people can handle best and each of them given the duties they can handle. The human resource manager determines the motivation methods to be used to all workers so that the morale of the workers can be improved. Managing human resource ensures developing the organization and its people. For development to take place, change has to be encouraged. The employees require being included and trained on how the change will be carried out. Some tend to be ignorant of their duties unless they are followed and guided. Human resource management ensures that there are guidelines which the people have to follow for them to be carrying out their work. Being followed is a control method where there are set rules, to ensure employees operate as required.
There are employees who always have to be supervised for them to carry out their duties. Human resource management is in charge of establishing disciplinary measures which will guide the individuals while carrying out their activities. When one is aware that they will face certain disciplinary actions, they function much effectively, thus achieving the set goals of the company. Making sure that the organization works using the set culture is very critical. When the employees are educated on the culture, it is necessary to ensure that they do not work against it, as it determines all the work of the company. In addition, human management ensures that people in the company are offered continuous education and training to keep up with the changing working and incorporated innovations.
Finding from the Research
Different nations illustrate a range of environmental engagement. Sweden, Germany, and UK show various environmental management initiatives which are made to address the environmental subsidiaries impact. The three study regions express the difference in recycling waste and waste facilities. However, the three places carry out training and energy measurement though they use different measures.
In the United Kingdom and Sweden, the Green Champions were the pilot stage which was used as the key initiative. The respondents to the UK situation stated that it was a positive shift which would mean that the workforce would be engaged in the environmental issues. The people would then reflect on their functioning both at home and their work. The success in the UK made Sweden think of adopting the idea as well (HADDOCK-MILLAR, 2015).
Germany, on the other hand, has carried out its green environmental management through establishing a non-financial regulatory structure. It is meant to standardize the exterior sustainability counter to international reporting creativity standards. Germany can be noted that it was the initial nation to publish its initial Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). More efforts were put in place such as the compensation scheme for carbon dioxide, sustainability training and company roadshows for sustainability.
HADDOCK-MILLAR, J. (2015, August 18). Taylor and Francis Online. Retrieved January 13, 2017, from Green human resource management: a comparative qualitative case study of the United States multinational corporation: