How do you create a complex sentence?
Creating a complex sentence involves more than one clause with subordinating conjunctions (SC). The two kinds of clauses include an independent and dependent clause (IC & DC). The purpose of the subordinating conjunction is to make a clause unstable, for this reason, it requires a second clause to finish its meaning. A clause is a simple sentence. The clause, however, does not make sense alone.
What can they add to your writing?
A complex sentence helps in combining ideas in interesting ways. When used with different sentence types in writing, the varieties assist in avoiding choppiness as well as dull word repetition. Each sentence category has a given set of clauses.
Can you think of any examples of a text?
Judy Brady in the article “I want a wife,” uses complex sentences as well as rhetorical strategies to show unrealistic expectations that the society places on women.
If so, tell us about the text?
Judy uses complex sentences as a way of showing the readers the list of duties that men expect their women to do. In the article, she mentions how a man would want the wife to do things for him and his children. It states, “I want a wife who is good nuturant attendant to my children. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed and mended.”
What contributed most to your boredom?
What contributed to my boredom is how Brady uses a rather peculiar instance of a dependent clause which establishes a sentence as complex functioning as a major element in her sentence with only an independent clause to shows the obligations men expect a wife to complete. She also uses complex sentences to show the needs of men that should be met when around others.
What changes would you recommend?
Dependent clauses often show incomplete thought and needs additional assistance from an independent clause in order to form proper sentences. Two or more independent clauses, and more than one subordinate clause when used, complex compound sentences are formed.