The health Information Technology enables the management of health records using a data management system. Database management is a system used by the health users and programmers to retrieve, store and update health information for the patients. The system helps in managing information unlike the use of manual paperwork procedures.
The health information is stored in the form of data sets which are defined as groups of related information. Data elements are defined in the data sets by attributes or specific values (Ozkarahan, 1990). The data elements in a health information system may include information such as the name, age, address, account number and other essential information details from clients or patients. The database management system has various types of designs which help in providing detailed information. The design used by the health users should be straightforward and efficient to prevent loss or mismanagement of data. The logical design is most commonly used in health systems because it provides the physical and logical design as well as the storage parameters (Ozkarahan, 1990). The data being managed has to conform to various standards that the user must ensure he or she collects from the patients. The relational database design
The database management also enables the efficient exchange of data and information for local and state files. An example would be the transfer of insurance information from the health providers to the insurance companies. The exchange of information through database management helps in reducing unnecessary delays that occur during manual data exchange processes. Therefore, the database management concept also incorporates the communication aspect of sharing health data with local, state and federal organizations or governments. The Health Information Technology systems have improved the health amenities by efficiently managing patients’ information that can be referenced in future.
Ozkarahan, E. (1990). Database management: Concepts, design, and practice. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall.