Factors at the macro level and micro level influences health care in the United States and other nations of the world. Doctrines and cultural beliefs shape people's perceptions and choices in health matters. Availability and access to resources are also another important positions to monitor.These factors exert influences that can either affect health care positively or negatively. This paper explores the contribution of health clinical providers and the dogmas held in the society in shaping the health care.
Clinical heath providers
In my opinion, the health clinical providers neither reproduce inequality in patient health nor the delivery of health care. However, The social niche occupied by an individual in the society results into the disparities. Social factors act as the essential causes of the diseases facilitated by the behavioral and biological factors that translate into ill health. The society operates in such a way that there is an unequal distribution of resources, power, and opportunities. Additionally, family structures have influenced the behavior and actions involving health care. Family structures have resulted in the emergence of different social classes. With these social classes, it is right to argue that high economic status is a guarantee to better healthcare. According to Shim, the concept of Cultural Health Capital (CHC) shows that there are there are inequalities associated with acquiring CHC and translating it into an advantage (Shim: 8). He also argues that ( CHC), is cultivated through continuous health –related practices such as obtaining biomedical knowledge, risk reduction practices and commitments to self-surveillance (Shim: 10-13).
Medical discourse.
According to Waitzkin Patients presents to their doctors a variety of personal problems. The origin of these challenges originates from a range of issues beyond the individual level (Waitzkin: 221-227). From this point of view, the dynamics of the macro level influences the platform in which clinical providers engage the patients at the micro level. Every social group has its doctrines and set of ideology passed from one generation to another. These doctrines have a set of principles inform of ideologies. The beliefs shape the peoples' perceptions at the macro level of the society. Ideologies often arise in the interactions between the clinical providers and the patient. However both the parties will argue in a manner that reinforces their position of thoughts and conceptions about social life.
Although doctors and health providers have contributed in shaping the family, the social dynamics remains dominant in dictating the direction choice. Despite e economic growth in the United States.The social class between the poor and the wealthy class has widened further. The low social class, at the bottom of the scale, suffers significant consequences. Additionally, even if each person has access to equal opportunity to resources, not everyone will have quality health (Waitzkin :225-230). Important factors that are not necessarily influenced by resource distribution nor opportunities affects the ability of to be healthy. For example, people have different genetic makes and people make different choices in health matters.
Choices have consequences and the choice individual makes will affect their health status. On the other hand, genetics are beyond human control. These factors are natural, and people owe them to their lineage of kinship. However, environmental factors may lead to the mutation that has significant influence in the genetic makeup. For instance, a person might have genes resistant to a particular disease in the society. These genes will keep him/her healthy in case of a disease outbreak
Practices or medicine ideologies does lead to inequalities in health care. However, both natural and man enhanced conditions take part.For example, some occupations are predisposing factors to some diseases. An industrial chemist working with chemicals every day is predisposed to medical complications than a customer service representative seated in an office attending to customers. Genetics are beyond our control. They are natural and can favor resistance to diseases.We cannot monitor the distribution of genes.
Shim, Janet. "Cultural Health Capital: A Theoretical Approach To Understanding Health Care Interactions And The Dynamics Of Unequal Treatment.". Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51.1 (2010): 1 –15. Web. 31 May 2016.
Waitzkin, Howard. "Critical Theory Of Medical Discourse: Ideology, Social Control, And The Processing Of Social Context In Medical Encounters". Journal of Health and Social Behavior 30.2 (1989): 220-239. Print.