Markers and standards of a high quality early childhood classroom
High-quality programs are defined by a sense of purpose, which means that high-quality childhood institutions know exactly the required standards for their institutions. High-quality early childhood classrooms are marked by various elements which enable them to stand above others. They have well-trained teachers who have received special training to provide professional childhood development and education that reflect quality to the children. Preschool children require a supportive environment for effective learning. Thus, a supportive learning environment is another marker of high-quality childhood classrooms. Additionally, a high-quality classroom should have relevant instructional materials and there should be collaborations between families and team members to facilitate learning. These markers indicate the quality of the childhood classrooms (Linda, 2002). The childhood classroom standards are the learning targets that the early childhood education curriculum is expected to meet.
High-quality childhood classrooms should meet various quality standards. Every classroom should at least have one teacher and an assistant (Linda, 2002). Additionally, the ratio of children to teachers should at least be one teacher for ten children. The classrooms should have a supportive and inclusive environment that meets diverse needs of the children. These quality standards are vital to ensure that the comprehensive children’s needs are adequately met. Many states are implementing quality rating systems to ensure that childhood education meets the required quality standards that promote essential developmental aspects of children. The quality rating system in my state involves measuring various quality indicators such as teachers’ qualification and instructional strategies (Michigan State, 2005).
Discussion of current trends
New strategies have been laid out by Pre-K Now to stimulate fundamental transformations in the public schools. The major trends include transforming the curriculum by modifying the K-12 model to a more efficient and evidence- based system (Pre-K Now, n.d). The new system will impact the pre-school education positively by providing effective learning based on research. However, the new system may affect learning negatively due to the time it would take to adapt to it as well as the resources needed. Another trend observed in the decline in the federal funding for preschools (Pre-K Now, n.d). This policy may increase the collaboration between school administration and the communities as schools strive to acquire resources from the community to maintain education standards. On the other hand, this trend may affect the field negatively by limiting the amount of resources required to improve education quality. My state has embarked on a journey to develop a Pre-K system that will adequately prepare learners for success in other education grades. Pre-school learning has experienced dramatic changes. The system has been upgraded continuously to accommodate changes brought about by research and technological growth.
Linda, M.E. (2002). High-Quality Preschool: Why we need it and what it looks like. Retrieved August 30, 2016, 2016 from
Michigan State Board of Education. (2005). Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekidergarten. Retrieved August 30, 2016 from
Pre-K Now: Transforming Public Education. Retrieved August 30, 2016 from http://