Detailed background on the Cuban Missile Crisis
The contributions that the U.S. AND Russia made towards the war
The roles that John F. Kennedy played towards the war and their reactions
Thesis: President John F. Kennedy should be honoured for the crucial role he played in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
He initiated a blockade to prevent subsequent shipments of Soviet missiles into Cuba
He agreed to a peaceful deal in which the U.S. would dismantle its missiles form Turkey while the Soviet Union would also dismantle the missiles it installed in Cuba to avert the tensions between the two nations
He formed a committee to help him with making important decisions regarding the war to avoid rush resolutions.
I firmly believe that John F. Kennedy should be awarded for the important role he played during in Cuban Missile crisis. His role cannot be underscored because he made significant decisions that influenced the course of the crisis.
Detailed background on the Cuban Missile Crisis
The contributions that the U.S. and Russia made towards the war
The roles that Nikita Khrushchev played towards the war and their reactions
Thesis: President Nikita Khrushchev should be honoured for the crucial role he played in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
He negotiated a peaceful deal in which The Soviet Union and the U.S. would dismantle the missiles they installed in Cuba and Turkey respectively.
A. He agreed to peacefully abandon the plans to install missile in Cuba
He avoided an armed confrontation when the U.S. blocked the Soviet vessels from navigating their way into Cuba
Nikita Khrushchev played a crucial role in the Cuban Missile Crisis. He made important decisions and concessions that averted a potential nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States.