The book Africans in America is quite enlightening as it sheds light into the experiences of African Americans to the history of the United States as well as their related experiences. A good example is the lives of the Africans during the revolutionary era and how this life morphed during the slavery era. During the revolutionary era African Americans were held in much higher esteem than during the times of slavery. This can be attributed to the fact that they contributed to the revolutionary war and thus were precious to the country. The levels of respect for the African Americans seem to diminish as we venture into the period of slavery. The self-esteem of the African Americans also dropped much lower as during the periods of slavery. An aspect of the Africans that seems to have remained the same is their confidence. Their determination also endured during this transition.
Broteer differed from George Washington because primarily broteer was a slave while George Washington was a free man. George Washington fought for liberation from the British while broteer purchased his freedom as well as that of his family.
Christianity was important to the slaves because it preached equality. This gave them a sense of self confidence that they did not have before. Phyllis Wheatley reconciled her condition with her new religion as a time of tribulation which she would overcome.
Black Americans experienced the events of the revolutionary era as a time of confusion. They did not know whether to back the British or the revolutionary fighters. They however hoped that the revolutionary fighters would treat them better than the British. The declaration of independence changed the psyche of the black Americans. They saw the revolutionary fighters declare independence and this showed them that they could also do the same.