Working in groups is very essential to development, as it helps people to be able to work well with others in an efficient manner. Moreover, working in groups also helps individuals to work with those of various personalities and temperaments as well. For example; while some people in a group can be kind and understanding, there are those who can be bossy and order others around too. This is what individuals must deal with when working in groups, at one point or another. As “Hitchhikers and Couch Potatoes” says within a team setting, conflict is something that must be overcome in an efficient manner (p.32). Now, I also learned more about teamwork through the article read of “Hitchhikers and Couch Potatoes” as well. What this reading does, is that it focuses on some of the basic aspects of teamwork. Furthermore, it also does an efficient job at going into further detail as well. For example; some of the points that “Hitchhikers and Couch Potatoes” mentions that hold relevance to the essence of teamwork, include the importance of team meetings, avoiding laziness, and having proper communication. For example; let’s say that when it comes to a specific team meeting, a group member cannot make it. It is the team member’s responsibility to let other individuals know that there may be issues showing up. This not only demonstrates responsibility on the team member’s part, but it also shows the fact that the member is taking their team work seriously. At the same time, though, it is also essential that team members let those who are absent still do their part of the work. Otherwise, credit may be taken for something that is not theirs. As the reading states, “By absorbing the hitchhiker’s problems, you are inadvertently training the hitchhiker to become the kind of person who thinks it is all right to take credit for the work of others” (p.32).
Work Cited
“Hitchhikers and Couch Potatoes”. Journal of Centered Student Learning.