There are still a lot of ongoing debates that seeks proof or a very convincing truth about homosexuality. Among the many debate subjects, there is this one question that sparked a lot of public attention in the field of science as well as in psychology. Is Homosexuality caused by nature or is it triggered by culture?
According to a journal about sexual medicine published by Jannini et al. (2010), there are indeed several (means more than one) biological and natural factors that could influence an individual’s being a homosexual. However, it was also stated that the results of studies should not be used to explain all cases of male or female homosexuality. Perhaps this is because the issue about homosexuality is a very complex one, because it concerns a lot of factors. This scientific study only shows that homosexuality is indeed a result of specific variations on the genes of the individuals with issues on homosexuality. However, we should not narrow our thoughts on single evidence alone.
Another study was conducted about homosexuality, whether it is the genes that affect it or it is simply the environmental factors. Hopkin (2004) stated that genes could indeed increase the likelihood that a male would turn out to be a homosexual. This is just another evidence that could prove how directly linked homosexuality is with nature. It is like saying that homosexual people that we see today are just made by God that way and no matter how we try to change the environmental factors that expert think could change the way they behave, it will still be futile.
Based on the results of a study conducted by Ciani, Cermelli, & Zanzotto (2008), it was confirmed that it is the genes that trigger homosexuality in males. It was further added that genetic factors that have something to do with the purely X chromosome also has direct effects on whether a man would be a homosexual or not.
The results of such studies and a lot more can also prove that homosexuality is deeply rooted with nature and not culture. No matter how hard we try to deny the fact that environment is only a minor factor, we cannot change the truth that genetics or nature is more significant than culture and other environmental factors. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of long standing debates about such topics and I can say that academic communities do have their own points of view about the topic and there is nothing wrong with that.
Using our common sense could turn us into a confused state sometimes. About homosexuality, our common sense would usually tell us that the culture plays a bigger role than nature but unfortunately, it is the other way around. Homosexuality is more influenced by nature than it is by culture and this is an almost established fact that could be supported by a lot of evidences.
Jannini, E., Blanchard, R., & Ciani, A. Male Homosexuality: Nature or Culture. The Journal of
Sexual Medicine. 2010. December 2011. Print.
Hopkin, M. Mother’s Genetics could influence sexual orientation. Nature, October 2004.
December 2011. <>.
Ciani, C., Cermelli, P. & Zanzotto, G. Sexually antagonistic selection in human male
Homosexuality. Italy: Pubmed. June 2008. December 2011.