Hospital Software Management (A).
Given the development and changes in healthcare in the last few years, one can easily question the type of information system to be used in this area. Therefore the modern complexity of the healthcare provision in the areas of management, legal and clinical relationship needs a total configured software and information system with clear operations in the area of clinical management, office operations. There is need for extra capacity incorporation with various laboratories and medical equipments. Therefore in this paper I have discussed the various hospital software solutions to be adopted by the healthcare managers so as to increase their efficiency and productivity. Longest, Darr and Rikish (2010).
The hospital should have an integrated system that connects and control all the other computerized systems within the organization so that the information network can be easily used in accessing online information from the data base hence facilitating wide utilization of duties and features of the office, especially in areas where security matters and privacy are essential. Therefore information should run smoothly from one system to the next without interference and forcing other programs to exactly fit in the other systems. In addition, hospitals should have online and exact time systems which enables patients data such as their records , both the past and present information to be online so that the patients can be permitted directly. These hospitals should also adopt the patient based systems which allow easy retrieval and processing of the customer problems. Booyens (2008).
Population heath and care management software are also instrumental solutions for the hospitals. Proper utilization of population health data and records assist hospitals and care providers to approximate the total number of patient who need medication and attention. Proper utilization of the hospital software can be practised through the application of various software devices and methods such as approximate analytics, event based data and many more. Therefore this solution ensures and explains quality health outcomes and system control. Brown (1992).
Culture management provision way has changed and over time in then explained the industrial roles and essential transformation the hospital have undergone since software is another prudent solution to the hospitals. Just the way the traditional child delivery has transformed so do the healthcare need to change in areas of work load and wok efficiency. Muller, Jooste and Bezuidenhout (2006).
Patient flow management software is very critical and essential software which must be adopted used by the entire healthcare in order to improve their efficiency and productivity. It provides the hospital with the chance to evaluate and control the patient flow. It assists in ensuring proper use of beds by identifying the patients flow from the admission time up to discharge hence reduces the underutilization and overutilization of hospital beds and resources. In conclusion real time data and the identification of room status are the most factors to be considered for such functions of the patient flow software in the hospitals.
Mobile security and device management is another essential software solution for the hospitals which enables the hospitals to protect and personalise mobile devices owned by the hospitals. It also assists in implementation of security laws and regulations and in securing private health information. This device will can be useful in different operating systems and mobile devices such as iphone, Android and many more. It will enable the information technology experts to thoroughly supervise security, policy management, inventory and other hospital properties and resources. Shortell and Kaluzny (1997).
Information technology security is another hospital software solution which enables the hospitals to put emphasis on the product and services by considering the security needed and incorporation of the whole technology in the organization.
Business intelligence is also software solution for the hospitals in the improvement of efficiency and productivity. Improved efficiencies in cost addition and the level of patient care can be realised by collecting and converting scattered data into actual and understandable information, this hospital software solution assists in the incorporation of data which enables intended users and even hospital managers to fully identify opportunities for loss reduction and increased operation.
Strong inventory control system is an important software solution for the healthcare organizations. Most hospitals put much money in the consumables and medicines which are spread across the various departments within the hospital therefore making the accountability of these stocks are hectic and cumbersome. Therefore strong inventory software helps the hospitals to verify frequently and even track the stock movement to prevent an intentional or unintentional these consumables and medicines.
Automated operations that reduce the dependability on the given employees should be adopted by the healthcare organizations especially the hospitals so as to ensure long term success and growth of this sector. This method reduces reliance on one worker or specific group of workers in terms of their knowledge, skills and experience hence ensuring continuity and smooth flow of work
Therefore for efficiency and higher service delivery to be realised in the heath sector, the healthcare managers should adopt and implement the various software solutions to ensure efficient operation and quality service to the public. The managers should also understand the implication of the introduction and implementation of this hospital software in terms of their cost and their effect on healthcare workers and organization as a whole.
Longest, B.B., Darr, K. & Rikish, L., (2010). Cases in health services management. 5th edition Baltimore: Health Professions Press.
Booyens, S.W.(2008). Introduction to Health Services Management. U.S.A: Juta and Company Ltd.
Brown, M.(1992). Health Care Management: Strategy, Structure, and Process. U.S.A: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Muller, M Jooste,K, Bezuidenhout, M.(2006). Healthcare service management. U.S.A: Juta and Company Ltd.
Shortell, S.T. Kaluzny, D.A.(1997). Essentials of health care management. U.K: Cengage Learning.