The House Bill (HB70) was introduced into the house on 10, November, 2014, and it was referred to be of great importance to the regulation education practice in Texas. The details of this bill were entrenched in creating sustained harmony, but rebuking discrimination in public schools within Texas. The mainstream subjects captured under this bill include; primary and secondary education disciplines, discriminatory practices, issues of gender identity, harassment, sexual orientations within Texas among other social afflictions viewed in a discriminatory lens.
This bill was authored by Gonzalez, Mary under the legislative session 84R. The main focus for this bill was to entrench a culture of frailness within the Texas states, and completely eradicate discriminatory practices in public schools. Besides, this bill embodied distinct chapters that aimed at creating harmony and disciplines within the Public Schools in Texas. For example, the author instigated firm legislature frameworks that would allow punitive expeditions to contain racial hatred or any segregations ideal in these institutions. Other entrenchment of this bill was to give express limits to the school district to behave in a certain manner that do not contravene legal stipulations guiding such institutions. These were some mainstream focus of this bill as intended by the author. Personally, I like this bill since it touched on very critical issues about the Texas schools which have not been given positive attributes. Discrimination in public school is a challenge that the Texas community has grappled with for a long time, and thus bills that would reduce this practice in the young population, would have positive impacts in the future.
Despite the author’s efforts to have this bill become a law, it did not reach the adoption staged, but instead was shot down before its maturity. This bill was terminated in its first stage of introduction into the house, and so did not exist to pass to other stages.
First Author, González, Mary; Co-authors, Reynolds Collier
Legislative Session- (R-84)
Works Cited
84th Legislature Regular Session. Texas Legislature Online.2015.
Texas Legislative Guide. Your go-to resource on the 84th Texas legislative session. The 84th legislative session ended on June 1, 2015.