Communication is part of everyday living, which means people communicate with one another through verbal and non-verbal means. In order to ensure that messages are delivered and received correctly, having correct grammar skills will help tremendously in understanding the meaning of the message and eliminating misconstruction and confusion. The importance of grammar cannot be discounted because it is like glue that holds language together. Incorrect grammatical sentences could lead to meaningless and unclear messages that make communication ineffective and leave the person or the message recipient puzzled about the meaning of the message.
The study of grammar may be a bit boring for some, but the time and effort spent on studying it is worth it because not understanding the rules of grammar will result to ineffective and unclear communication. While there are online grammar checks available, grammar checks software programs cannot fully and accurately spot grammatical errors. In some instances, this software would even suggest inaccurate alternatives for grammar correction when fixing common errors. However, learning grammar rules do not have to be difficult because there are so many ways and methods to learning grammar, vocabulary, and language. One can easily take advantage of online grammar teaching tools that are easily available online. There are lessons that can help an individual improve his or her understanding of grammar rules. It will help one from being misunderstood and allows for better expression of thoughts and ideas.
Following are benefits of learning correct grammar rules:
Credibility and intelligence. People who can express themselves correctly through writing and speaking gives the appearance of credibility, especially for people who are trying to build a reputation as an expert in their profession. Additionally, those who are capable of expressing themselves using proper grammar skills are oftentimes thought of as intelligent and educated. Thus, these people gain respect and authority among their peers because others will think of them as persons who are serious when it comes to their craft or job.
Readability of work. If an individual’s work is full of grammatical mistakes, readers will have a difficult time understanding the written text. Readers find it distracting when what they are reading is peppered with grammatical mistakes, misspellings, or misplaced punctuations because the idea or thought changes, too.
Getting published. These days, people maintain blogs, write stories, or essays that they publish online. If the writer does not have a good understanding of the basics of spelling, punctuation, and grammar, these personal works will never get posted on sites that are considered reputable. Most importantly, publishers will not even spend time browsing through the written work even with just a simple grammatical mistake.
Working with an editor. To work with an editor means the individual is intent on having his or her work published or graded by a professional. People who have grammar issues will find it difficult to converse with editors and other professionals if they do not have a good understanding of what editors are talking about. In the same light, they will not be able to converse intelligently with these professionals or respond to feedback and revision suggestions if they cannot express themselves correctly.
Save on money. While hiring an editor is a good option for some people, not everyone have the capacity to pay for a professional editor to check and correct documents. Thus, having good grammar skills can save an individual hundreds of dollars for editing work that can be done by the individual himself. In this light, all the individual has to do is invest in himself. With the right amount of willingness and determination to hone one’s grammar skills and a few reputable writing resources online and in print, improved grammar skills will come naturally until the individual becomes better at writing.
Better work opportunities. Regardless of the country where an individual is from, communication is important - the better the grammar skills of the person, the better in terms of understanding the meaning and intent of the message. When it comes to work opportunities, studies reveal that people who have great communication skills get ahead easily than others who cannot communicate their ideas properly. Thus, for people who want to ensure that they move up the company ladder, they must spend time and effort learning and improving their grammar skills.
Regardless if an individual is communicating in spoken English or in the written word, grammar is important to ensure proper transfer of message among people. When people speak, they project their level of intelligence and confidence through the spoken word. They demonstrate how organized their thoughts and ideas are, which adds confidence and authority to their personality. Being eloquent in speech and in writing conveys that the individual is serious about what he or she wants to express. As a result, good grammar and clear messages would result to gaining other people’s respect and admiration. Even if some people are not particular about their grammar, it is still important to abide by grammar rules when speaking and writing.