Google have learnt one concept, “happier employees equal better productivity” (Mills, 2007). Thus, Google always endeavor to motivate their employees. They have realized that, in the competitive modern business, one can only keep an employ by making him/her happy. Therefore, the Google Human Resource department, also known as People’s Operations department has done a lot of research and identified a number of ways of motivating employees. To start with, this department, in 2010, realized that a 10% pay bonus was paramount to reduce the rate of staff turnover. To this effect, all Google employees worldwide were given pay increment. Together with this pay incentive; Google has quality programs within the industry like the standard maternity plan. In this plan, the Google industry pays maternity leave for 7 to 12 weeks. However, it depends with the State where an individual lives. In addition, Google Human Resource team offers 5 months flexible and payable maternity leave (Osborne, 2013). Also, the dads are given 6 weeks paid leave which is extremely motivating and refreshing. In addition to these, Google employees benefit from gourmet foods, free haircuts, gyms, first class dining facilities, community buses, car washes, laundry rooms, massage rooms, and high technology cleansing toilets as well as on site doctors. These benefits motivate Google employees at a greater depth. The most unusual but captivating benefit as pointed out by Bock is the benefit that Google extends afterlife. This is known as death benefits. Here, Google offers 50% of the paycheck to the spouse of any Google employs who passes on for a period of 10 years. Indeed, Google confirms that death benefit has no direct income to the company, but it is essential for the company in bereaving with the family during their most difficult times. Moreover, Google has widened their employee age gap, with the oldest being 83 years old (Cook, 2013). Together with this, Google offers a practically admirable child and health care benefits.
With these numerous benefits and flexibilities, Google Inc has managed to create a unique environment which is enjoyable to all employees. Google Inc understands that intrinsic and extrinsic benefits make it easy for employees to work towards excellence for the benefits of the organization. One, through these rewards, they have managed to retain many talented people. This enabled Google to generate an average of $ 209, 624 profits from every employee in 2008. For sure, the company hit 21, 795.6 million dollars in revenues in the same year. This implies that their ability to retain and attract the best employees pays dearly for them. Furthermore, by reducing the number of defecting staffs to the rival companies, Google Inc has managed to avoid the expansive and costly exercising of looking and recruiting best employs. In addition, the Google’s flexible maternity plan has seen a reduction in the number of mothers taking permanent paid maternity leaves. This resulted in retention of nearly 50% of the mothers (Casserly, 2012).
Casserly, M. (2012). Here is what Happens to Google Employees when they Die. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved on 28/03/13 from
Cook, J. (2013). How Google Rewards their Employees with Rewards and Perks. Hub Pages. Retrieved on 28/03/2013 from
Mills, E. (2007). Newsmaker: Meet Google’s Culture Czar. CNET News. Retrieved on 28/03/2013 from
Hamel, G. (2007). The future of management. Harvard Business School Press, Boston Mass.
Osborne, C. (2013). Google: Keeping Staff Happy is Down to Experiments, not just Laundry. Retrieved on 28/03/13 from