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Making a speech is a difficult task for many people. This is because they let fear and doubts get the best of them, thus affecting their presentation. Each and every one of us has something that interests others, and should be able to put it in a speech. To make a successful speech, it is necessary to consider several factors . Some of the areas that need to be considered are discussed below.
How to pick a topic
A topic forms the basis of the speech. What are you going to talk about? Knowing more about the audience helps the speaker to pick an appropriate topic. The speaker should understand the audience in order to know what will interest them. The mode of talking to one audience would be inappropriate when applied to a different audience .
How to plan what to say
Once the topic is picked, the speaker plans on what to say. Extensive research on the topic helps the speaker to expand his knowledge in that area. The speaker needs to research for information on the subject from sources such as books, magazines, and newspapers. When writing the speech, it is important to break it down into the three basic parts-an introduction, body and conclusion. A good introduction will capture the attention of the audience hence setting its mood. The body of the speech aims to entertain, instruct, persuade and inspire. The speaker should incorporate all these four aspects into the body of his speech. When concluding, the speaker may use a phrase that embodies the main message of his talk .
Brevity is asset
Good public speakers are able to make memorized words sound spontaneous. While practicing on the speech, the speaker needs to pay more attention to his points rather than the words of his speech. A brief speech is the best speech. The lower limit of an ideal speech is 20 minutes, while the upper limit is 1 hour .
Check your grammar
The speaker should understand the meanings of the words used in the speech. Proper pronunciation is also crucial to avoid embarrassment. With the help of the dictionary, the speaker will avoid such shortcomings .
How questions help
While on the podium, the speaker may involve the attention of his audience to help him calm down. He may ask questions to make the presentation lively
Plimpton, G. (1983). How to make a speech. Power of the Printed Word, 11-12.