Food trailer businesses need to be registered. For those individuals who want to start their businesses in Austin, Texas, they have to complete forms that are provided by Austin/Travis Health and Human Services Department. The forms are provided by the Environmental Health Services Division and bear the title application for trailer food seller permit.
Image sourced from, (Application for MOBILE FOOD VENDOR Permit, 2016)
The person applying needs to checkboxes accordingly in the first question. This is by declaring if the business will be located in City of Austin, Travis County or other.
The type of trailer selling permit has to be declared through checking the provided options. The options are, unrestricted vending permit which is for open foods, or restricted vending license which is for pre-packaged foods,
The trailer food selling unit name has to be stated in the application form.
The owner of the vending unit has to fill his or her name in the form. This is followed by filling the mobile number.
If there is the additional party that is responsible for the food trailer business, it has to be declared. For instance, if the business is opened through partnering with another person of the company, the name of the individual or business has to be filled out in this space. The contact number that can be used to reach the company or individual has to be declared in the form.
The owner of the food trailer business has to fill in his or her address, city, state, as well as the zip code. This is essential in case the division needs to make a formal communication to the business owner through sending a letter maybe due to change in regulations or another relevant information regarding such a business
The form required the owner to fill in his or her current email address. However, the part is optional as it can be filled in or left blank. However, the food trailer business owner needs to specify on the form the number of employees he or she will have operating the business.
The address that mail renewals to be sent to has to be filled in together with the city, state, and zip code.
The tenth step is to report the business type by checking the relevant box. The business type options stated in the form are a proprietorship, corporation, and partnership.
The food unit type has to be selected by checking the appropriate box. The food unit types in the form that can be selected from include motor vehicle, Trailer, pushcart, or other which requires specification. Our business case is food trailer one. Therefore, the trailer box is to be checked.
The vehicle make, model number, and year made have to be declared in the form.
The color, license plate number, state and VIN have to be filled in the form.
The central preparing facility for the food to be sold in the trailer has to be declared.
The zip code, state, city, and adress of the central preparation facility has to be stated in the form.
The above step is followed by declaring the phone and proprietor or responsible party for the central preparation facility.
The last thing to be filled in the form in this section is to state the types of foods that the food trailer business will be offering.
Image sourced from, (Application for MOBILE FOOD VENDOR Permit, 2016)
The mobile vendor that utilize a central preparation facility may not be entitled to engage in preparation of any food at the facility unless the mobile vendor has a personal food establishment permit for the location precisely. Therefore, the CPF owner has to provide valid Food Manufacturer’s license that has been issued by the Texas Department of States Health Services. Therefore, the CPF owner has to declare that he or she has read and comprehended the responsibility items that have been listed and agrees to comply will every requirement.
The CPF owner has to state that he or she has given permission to the mobile vending unit owner to make use of the CPF establishment. The CPF owner has to sign against this section, write the date as well as the phone number.
The next part is to complete the notary verification. The owner has to state the day he or she appeared before the CPF.
Image sourced from, (Application for MOBILE FOOD VENDOR Permit, 2016)
The next step is completing the certification of jurisdiction shown above. This is the trailer business will make use of a food establishment of CPF that is located outside Austin or Travis jurisdiction.
The name of the food established must be written in the section stated as the name of the food establishment.
Permit holder or the responsible party of the food establishment has to be declared\
The permit number and permit expiration date have also to be filled in accordingly.
The itinerary sheet that contains the vending unit name, owner’s name, owner’s contact number, vending location address, days and time have to be filled in this section.
All the information used in writing this paper has been sourced from ("Mobile Food Establishments | Planning | Austintexas.Gov - The Official Website of the City of Austin").
Image sourced from, (Application for MOBILE FOOD VENDOR Permit, 2016)
Work cited
"Mobile Food Establishments | Planning | Austintexas.Gov - The Official Website of the City of Austin". N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
Application for MOBILE FOOD VENDOR Permit. (2016) (1st ed.). Retrieved from http://C:\Users\Kevin\Downloads\Documents\mobile_food_vendor_packet_english_10_01_14.pdf