Education is a broader term which encompasses many facets of life but to be more precise education is a way of learning new things, in which the knowledge, skills, values, belief systems and experiences of previous people are percolated down from one generation to the other generation through different forms like discussion, teaching, training, research or even the story telling. The true essence of education revolves around the enlightenment of a soul by letting an individual to be free from all biases. In general sense it should be able to liberate mind from prejudices of society.
In order to narrow down the concept of education and how do we educate in contemporary times, first of all we need to refine and reform today’s system of education, as the hub of education is our colleges and universities. As it is said, education is the process of receiving or giving systematic information especially at a school or university. Thus the designing of the college should be like the more of a place which evokes sense of responsibilities towards society. Where a student would feel like learning more and more. And being conscious of his or her surroundings. The education should be purposive and the sole purpose is to make pupil to understand the concepts of knowledge. As we have been taught under the influence of ‘Perennialism’, it preaches the teaching should focus on ideas which have lasted over centuries. It gives an insightful knowledge of life. It trains a human mind for life by imparting values and morals.
Perennialists not only talk about the intellectual and morale qualities but it makes a student to secure individual freedom and responsibilities towards society. It encourages the student to read and analyse the history’s finest writings. If we trace back in time, Education began in the early prehistoric times, when the pupil would get the knowledge and skills, considered necessary in their society, from an adult who has great experience not only in one confined field but in vast spheres of science, literature, astronomy, mathematics and medicine. In pre-literate eras this form of education was transferred orally or through imitation. Story-telling was the major tool for passing the knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to the next. As cultures began to expand the knowledge of different cultures also expanded beyond boundaries and countries. The learned skills got transferred through different forms. And in Middle Kingdom first formal school was initiated in Egypt.
It is mandatory to focus on ideas generated from our past. Perennialism is most understandable and viable in current context. Perennialists believe the ideas are as relevant and as comprehensive today while they were in past. They suggest the method reading and analysing the writings of best thinkers of past. Perennialism helps to enhance the students' intellectual and moral attributes. Teachers are supposed to attain the goal by following the Perennialism in classrooms. The teachers should not be concerned about the students past experiences rather they should use techniques which would help to read the mind of a student. The Perennialism is based on the view that all human beings have the similar essential nature.
In every sphere of a curriculum a student should be made to critically analyse and deeply think with imaginations. It is imperative to let a student explore his or her abilities which would be polished by thinking process. The information oriented classes often go out dated and futile. It has proven futile in present day education philosophy to imbibe loads of disconnected information. It is recommended that colleges and universities should spend more time in teaching concepts and explaining the meaning. It encourages the inquisitive nature of a student.
It is also important to mention what Sir Ken Robinson’s RSA talk, “Changing Education Paradigms,” represents. Clearly, I agree with his recommendations which focus on the innovative possibilities that could enhance the education status around the globe. He stresses on imparting creative sense among the students. Also, he intends to implement an ‘engaging student culture’ that could facilitate precise understanding of diverse concepts. Both of these arguments are encouraging and could really boost the education scenario in the colleges and schools,
In my view, I continuously scuffle to maintain stability of the aims of proper education with the objectives of nurturing happy children, who attain contributing maturity to develop the social, political and economic aspects of a community. Along with educational skills, the learning expedition from school to university reflects a valuable time that enables the students to uplift their innate abilities and talents.