1. Roles and Knowledge Seeking
a. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the XYZ Rehabilitation Center and its staff
Given the stated objectives of the XYZ Rehabilitation Center, it is thus responsible for fostering the best possible form of demeanor towards all its dealings with clients and patients alike. In terms of patient care, XYZ should deliver the best services possible so that they could effectively facilitate their rehabilitation. Rehabilitation, in that sense, ultimately holds the goal of psychological stability through the application of various therapies. Thus, it is essential for all the staff of XYZ to practice high levels of etiquette and responsibility at all times (Green, 1982).
In the case of Mr. Kenzo, he is fully entitled to his complaint simply because he has enough evidence to prove that the staff of XYZ did not practice responsible behavior. The fact that the heart doctor and the EKG technician did not observe due etiquette in their remarks states that they have lapsed in their primary responsibilities as staff of XYZ. Furthermore, the lapse of the heart doctor and the EKG is among the responsibilities held by XYZ. Thus, XYZ should find itself accountable to the situation, in that it should do something to reprimand the ones involved in the unfortunate situation and implement the rules in a stricter fashion (Green, 1982),
b. Identify institutional sources of policy and procedures
The policies and procedures on responsible observation of cultural responsiveness XYZ has should come from those promoted by relevant government institutions and existing legal provisions. Verily, cultural responsiveness is integral to civil rights and in general, human rights. Presuming that XYZ is within a jurisdiction promoting the aforementioned, it should follow the consequent requirement to promote cultural responsiveness through its policies and procedures (Green, 1982).
c. Recommend management and/or leadership staff to approach for confirmation of information
For verifying information alleged by Mr. Kenzo, there are following people that need to undergo questioning. Firstly, it is important to ask people who work under or alongside the personalities in question. People working with or under the heart doctor and EKG technician should come first in line for questioning, since they could possibly give answers on the behavior of the people in question concerning the case. Secondly, those inside the semi-private room alongside Mrs. Kenzo are also viable for questioning, for they might be able to provide observations and insights on the matter. Lastly, Mr. Kenzo and the ones in questions themselves should come under an arbitration style of questioning. Weight all of the gathered data from the questioning process could ultimately lead to a judgment (Green, 1982).
2. Patient’s Rights and the Culturally Responsive Organization
a. Patients’ rights
The situation involving Mr. Kenzo and his patient and mother, Mrs. Kenzo, presents a highly relevant case pertinent to the issue of patients’ rights. The case itself shows that XYZ has violated the rights of Mr. Kenzo and his patient, in that their remarks have constituted words that are not sensitive to the presented condition. XYZ presents itself as a rehabilitation center, and part of the rehabilitation process includes the presentation of responsible behavior towards patients. The fact that the heart doctor and the EKG technician uttered distasteful remarks show that both XYZ and the people in question have failed to uphold its organizational objective, much more follow what is stated in the law concerning cultural responsiveness (Green, 1982; Stori, 1989).
b. Culturally responsive organization’s responsibilities to patients, family and visitors, and employees with regard to patients’ rights, diversity, privacy, etc.
c. Appropriate organizational documents related to policy, procedures and resources
Free access to policies, procedures and resources related to the prevention of the controversy at hand is a primary consideration required of XYZ and its staff. With that, the controversy at hand should find due resolution in the form of documents related to policies, procedures and resources on the matter. There has to be sufficient proof lenient towards the presence of violations on cultural responsiveness (Stori, 1989).
3. Ethics and Vision Centric
a. Agency’s mission and services
Ethically speaking, XYZ and its staff should base its policies and procedures based on cultural responsiveness. Since the services provided by XYZ concerns rehabilitation, it has to carry out, by mandate, appropriate behavior on cultural responsiveness to all its clients and patients. At the same time, XYZ should train and orient its staff thoroughly on that matter (Stori, 1989).
b. Staff responsibilities
The staff of XYZ has the prime responsibility to carry out all the policies and procedures on cultural responsiveness of their organization. In that way, they would be able to avoid violations like the one involving Mr. Kenzo and his patient, which runs contrary to cultural responsiveness (Green, 1982).
c. Client rights
d. Ethics decision-making and problem solving
4. Relationship Building and Effective Communication
A comprehensive management model concerning deeper emphasis on the most basic rule of the game – promoting cultural effectiveness, should be central to the goal of building relationships and fostering effective communication between the organization (XYZ) and its clients and patients. With that, a human services manager has to possess key features that would enable him to contribute towards reaching the aforementioned goal. The human services manager should first place all the XYZ staff under seminars and application modules on cultural responsiveness. Educating the staff towards the due observance of cultural responsiveness stands as among the major objectives the human services manager. At the same time, constant interaction with clients, patients and other prospective figures is important for the human services manager to gather all the necessary information and feedback that would help improve the sense of cultural responsiveness within XYZ. Overall, a multi-way approach based on communication is crucial for relationship building and effective communication (Green, 1982; Stori, 1989).
5. Recommendations and Strategic Diplomacy
a. Value
The case presented by Mr. Kenzo against two staff members of XYZ, on behalf of the patient, his mother Mrs. Kenzo, is one that has great value to the issue of cultural responsiveness. The facts involve state that there is an outright violation of the rights of the patient, in that those constitute insensitive aspects violative of cultural responsiveness. In addition, the fact that XYZ emphasizes on rehabilitation services makes the controversy even more compelling for resolution. The complaint by Mr. Kenzo directly violates the objective set by XYZ (Green, 1982; Stori, 1989).
b. Mediator
In the lens of the mediator, there is sufficient ground for deliberating the controversy at hand. The relaying of policies and procedures related to cultural responsiveness, alongside testimonies by key persons, constitute the need to mediate both parties involved first before the arrival to a conclusion. With that, there is a thorough examination of the roles of XYZ concerning cultural responsiveness – internally through the thorough training and orientation of its staff and externally through exerting responsible behavior in its dealings with clients, patients and other persons involved (Green, 1982; Stori, 1989).
c. Fulfillment
For the fulfillment of the needed resolution, it is important to engage both parties into thorough consultations and investigations. Indeed, gathering, analyzing and synthesizing pieces of information are essential for arriving at findings instrumental to the resolution of the case of Mr. Kenzo. The fulfillment of the controversy should become a stepping-stone for XYZ and its staff to improve more in its sense of cultural responsiveness, which is important for the main emphasis of the organization on rehabilitation. At the same time, such would enable other staff and people outside XYZ to avoid the same mistake from happening (Green, 1982; Stori, 1989).
Green, J. W. (1982). Cultural awareness in the human services. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Stori, C. (1989). The art of crossing cultures. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press.