Jane Doe
Happiness is when one feels content and satisfied with their life; things in life are positive from the happy person’s perspective, which allows them to have workable relationships and fruitful results in life. When the individual is happy they are easier to be around and tend to be kinder and easy-going. Happy people are able to cope with the difficult parts of life much better, which tends to limit the stress in their life resulting in a better quality of health as well (“Greater Good Science Center” at UC Berkley, 2016). In order to experience sincere happiness, the common good must be practiced in order to feel the internal contentment that is not otherwise possible. For those that live in greed there must be some level of internal strife that would get in the way of real happiness. The good life is when all aspects of life are working out well and in harmony with each other. Struggle and grief are almost minimal and a resounding happiness exists for those living the good life. All aspects of life from career, finances, relationships, health, and spirituality are well balanced and managed when the individual is living the good life. Eudaimonia is the Greek version of a good life filled with happiness, which is focused more on human flourishing and a state of well-being that exists for the individual. In addition to the focus on well-being, there are certain virtues that are included in Eudemonism, such as justice, courage, self-control and wisdom (Pennock, 2014) Those that practice eudemonia are people that are likely experiencing human flourishing. After all, eudemonia is the Greek version of human flourishing. Ubuntu come from the South African language of Bantu and is an ethic or human philosophy that focuses on “people’s allegiances and relations with each other” (“Thiyagaraaj,” 2010). Practicing Ubuntu would naturally bring human flourishing into one’s life, which in turn would bring happiness resulting in the good life. The theories and concepts behind the philosophy of Ubuntu are inclusive of all that is required for human flourishing and the common good to exist. When there is consideration for all, hence common good, there will be a sense of life satisfaction for all entities involved.
When referring to human flourishing, the individual would be in an extended state of happiness living the good life. Ubuntu is a philosophy that encourages eudemonia, also known as human flourishing as it aims to provide a good life for all. It seems that the most important factor to contribute to human flourishing is that a person has the capability to practice Ubuntu. When a person is looking out for the greater good of all, he or she is also likely to experience increased happiness, which in turn will help them to flourish.
The two principles of human flourishing that I will discuss are dignity towards fellow human beings and generosity towards the poor (Richard, 2013). Treating others with equality, avoiding judgements based on the individuals characteristics or lifestyle are aspects of treating other with dignity. Areas of life where racism, classism, or any form of inequality are not acceptable for the individual who seeks to experience human flourishing in his or her own life. The individual that can be mindful of honoring the rights of all is going to naturally be rewarded in his or her sense of internal peace. Anyone who wishes to act otherwise is likely to experience a degree of turmoil that would not exist if he or she truly observed the principles of human flourishing. Generosity towards the poor is one manner of practicing human dignity. To see a fellow human being suffer or go with less than the basic needs for survival should encourage the individual who practices the principles of human flourishing to be willing to give back and see the poor receive what is needed for survival. The way that I could practice these principles is to withhold judgement against others who are not like me, while helping the needy who are not fortunate enough to have the things that I am blessed to have. As an individual who has the comforts of food, clothing, shelter, and much more, it is an obligation to give back to less fortunate members of society. To sit back and ignore the poor is not in anyone’s best interest. Even if you think that there is not negative cost to your own life as a result of the poor, there is a universal connection across humanity that requires that the poor are considered as the fortunate continue their lives. Too much greed can result in an increasing gap among the rich and the poor, which has become evident when looking at the current state of affairs in many parts of the world
It seemed to me the purpose of this activity was to see how this concept would apply to various aspect of life. The concept of human flourishing and common goods expands beyond just the treatment of humans towards one another. Understanding what is involved in the common good to be inclusive of the way that animals are treated is something that came up during the activity, which was an area that I had not originally considered. However, the fact remains, after the discussion I could see that it is a way of being that is inclusive to all living creatures. Kindness is something that will be rewarded simply for the sense of joy it can bring to the individual who is mindful of all living things.
When dealing with other perspectives would find myself resistant to some ideas if they were not in alignment with my own. However, this was an opportunity to exercise the concepts of human flourishing and the common good by expanding my own ability to see beyond my just my views. To honor and give dignity to all meant I should be willing to see beyond my own opinions and to open my mind to allow other’s opinions to be heard. These were all aspects of the experience that I had while working on this assignment.
I definitely had a shift in my perspective on the concept of common good. Rather than thinking that the common good should only extend to a fellow human being, I recognized while seeing others arguments that common good is more so a state of being. Being mindful and appreciative of all diversity in the world, which made me think an end to all questionable behaviors is necessary. For the proper fulfilment of human flourishing to occur, a sincere practice of common good must be a large part of how one’s life. Practicing the principles of human flourishing require a shift in all aspects of one’s manner of thinking and behavior. One’s emotional state and thoughts must also be connected to the principles of human flourishing for a true sense of the experience to be present.
Overall, there was a lot to understand from a deeper perspective by working on this assignment and seeing the opinions and arguments of others.
“Great Good Science Center” at UC Berkley (2016). Happiness Definition. Retrieved
Pennock, S. F. (2014). Eudaimonia: Personal Happiness According to the Greeks.
Retrieved April 23, 2016, from https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/eudaimonia/
Richards, J. W. (2013). What Principles Are Important For Human Flourishing?
Retrieved April 23, 2016, from https://tifwe.org/principles-important-for-flourishing/
“Thiyagaraaj,” (2010). Ubuntu Philosophy & Meaning - Ubuntu. Retrieved April 23,
2016, from http://www.ubuntu.thiyagaraaj.com/Home/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-philosophy-meaning