The human papillomavirus is an infection that is sexually transmitted. This disease widespread with the men and women that are sexually very active and hence, they are exposed to this critical virus at some point in their life . The spread of this virus is common in the United States of America, where there are more than 14 million new cases of HPV every year.
There are more than 40 viral strands of HPV that most commonly impact the genitals . This virus is passed through skin to skin contact during the intercourse or any other form of contact with the human genitals. Most of these infections have the ability to resolve on their own, however, at times these are dormant at the initial stage and then might become infected later on.
HPV Vaccine
The HPV vaccine is basically an inactivated vaccine that protects against the four types of HPV. The two most common types of HPV vaccine include, the type that causes more than 70% of the cervical cancers and the other two types are the ones that includes the HPV type that can cause 90% of the genital wart . These vaccinations can prevent most of the cervical cancers as well as genital warts and the protection from these vaccinations is considered to be long-term, but the women still require the screening later. Even though these vaccinations have benefits, there are certain long-term side effects.
Side Effects of HPV Vaccine
The vaccination is generally safe for the use of the public except that it can have certain side effects on some people. It has been reported that the side effect is merely how people can react to other vaccinations. The most obvious and common side effect is an allergic reaction, and a few cases have been reported in the past 8 years, where the vaccine tends to result in increasing the risk of cervical cancer in women and also sudden death in a few cases. Some mild reaction to the HPV vaccine can be the pain that can occur at the vaccination site, mild fever, itching at injection site, redness or mild swelling that can be accompanied with moderate fever (102F) .
The most severe allergic reaction that can occur is known as the anaphylactic reaction which can cause swollen lips, eyes, metallic taste in mouth, change in a heart beat, breathing problem and unconscious state of mind . There are many females that are not aware of the fact that HPV vaccine Gardasil can also increase the risk of cervical cancer. According to research conducted by Merck, if a patient has been exposed to the HPV vaccine strains 18 or 16 before receiving the Gardasil vaccine, it can increase the risk of cancer by 45 percent mostly .
There are certain other side effects that are linked with the dosage of HPV Gardasil vaccine, that involve the inflammatory neurodegenerative disorders that affect the immune system. This most obviously suggests that something is disturbing the immune system and is resulting in an overreaction to harm the immune system in a fatal manner. There have been many investigations that suggest that even though the HPV vaccination claim to cure 70 % of cervical cancer, it has not been able to control any single case of this cancer type as yet .
Mercola. "Oncology Dietitian Exposes Fraud in CDC’s HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Study." 16 July 2013. Mercola. 03 Feb 2017 <>.
"NHS Choices." 2016. HPV vaccine side effects. 03 Feb 2017 <>.
Smith, Lori. "Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Causes, Symptoms and Treatments." 14 Jan 2016. Medical News Today. 03 Feb 2017 <>.
"WebMD." 2016. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: What You Need to Know. 03 Feb 2017 <>.