Playsouls Toys is an upcoming global producer and supplier of toys and games. The company will open in December 2013 and will start its operations in five locations across North America, with a production facility in China. The company employs more than eight hundred people, and serves a customer base of more than one million worldwide.
Mission Statement
The mission of the human resource department is to support the goals and aims of Playsouls Toys by providing services that natures a work environment characterized by open communication, fair treatment of staff, personal accountability mutual respect, and trust. The department will seek and offer solutions to issues related to the work place that optimize and support the operating principles of the organization.
The mission of Playsouls Toys is to deliver safe, high quality and innovative toys to the consumer.
Human Resources department
The human resource department of Playsouls Toys is responsible for the recruitment classified and professional employees, salary administration and job satisfaction, benefit management, training and development, employee relations, records management, and human resource information systems. The department also holds the responsibility of providing a variety of employee services, ranging from product innovation to leave and time reporting to the motivation of employees.
Makeup and structure
The Director of Human Resources will run Playsouls Toys human resource department on a daily basis. The Human Resource Director we plan to assume the responsibility has experience of over 15 years of successfully directly related experience in the management of human resource operations and risk management to include areas of benefits administration labor relations, pay and classification, and employee’s compensation among others. The director we plan to recruit holds an MBA as well as certification in as a Public Personnel Professional and held similar positions in reputable organizations.
The Human Resource department has a staff consisting of seven individuals, with a combined total of more than seventy years of related Human Resource and Risk Management experience that will make the department equip appropriately to handle the relevant Human Resources issues as they arise even when the current director is unavailable. Additionally, the staff will undergo cross training to allow functions to continue to be handled in a professional and efficient manner even in the presence of unanticipated absences. Staff motivation will be encouraged in order to enhance productivity and profitability of the organization.
Human Resource department organizational chart
HR Department Activities
The focus for HR department is to ensure organizational success. The key to achieving organizational success of Playsouls Toys is ensuring that the activities of human resources support organizational efforts focusing on delivering safe, high quality and innovative toys to the consumer. The HR Department activities include HR planning and analysis, staffing HR development, compensations and benefits, employee relations, and health and safety.
HR Planning and Analysis
The HR Department will conduct planning and analysis to anticipate that will affect the future supply and demand of employees (Erica, 2006). This information will help Playsouls Toys acquire adequate information to provide timely and accurate information for HR planning.
The aim of the staffing will be to provide adequate supply of qualified personnel to fill the available job postings in the firm. This will involve job analysis to define the staffing functions. This will lead to preparing job specifications and job descriptions to recruit applicants for job vacancies. The selection process aims to choose the most qualified individuals to fill jobs in the organization.
HR Development
The HR department will also engage in HR training and development as well as job-skill training. As an innovative firm, Playsouls Toys’ HR department will conduct ongoing training as necessary to accommodate technological changes as jobs evolve and change (Sims, 2007). HR development will also involve encouraging and motivating employees as well as managers and supervisors to prepare them for future challenges. This activity also involves assessing how employees perform and manage their performance.
Compensation and Benefits
The HR Department will set compensate and reward people for performing organizational work through pay, benefits, and incentives. The HR department will develop and refine the basic salary system in response to changes in work conditions and promotions. Additionally, the company will also consider incentive programs such as productivity rewards and gain sharing.
Health and safety
The mental and physical health and safety of employees are critical concerns to an organization. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) has improved the responsiveness of organizations to health and safety concerns (Hyde, 2004). The focus of health and safety will be to eliminate accidents and injuries in addition to health issues arising from hazardous work with newer technologies. HR management can also assist employees with addiction and substance abuse among other problems through employee assistance program. The company will also include employee wellness programs to promote good health.
Strategic Human Resource Plan
Planning and development of HR strategies constitute an important part of the HR process. Strategic HR planning is designed to enable the organization acquire, retain, and develop the required workforce in order to meet its present and future requirements. The HR strategic directions for the FY13 will include the following:
- Explore and identify shared functions and other functions within and outside the company that leverage best practices to mutually streamline activity, reduce costs, and attain efficiencies while engaging employees in training and supporting employee retention.
- Improve systems, processes, and infrastructure to provide high levels of quality, efficiency, cost effectiveness by regularly assessing HR efficiency and involving stakeholders.
- Strengthen and transform the organizational culture of innovation and facilitate strategic partnership to attain the organizational goals through recruitment, training and development, and sustainable initiatives to develop high performing organization.
- Develop leading practices in recruitment of new employee retention, and rewarding outstanding employees, and continue employee recognition program.
- Support and promote health and safety of the employees through implementation of comprehensive and strategic health and wellness approaches.
Staffing Plan
The purpose of the staffing plan is to detail the human resource requirements and how these requirements will be fulfilled. The plan will include role and responsibilities, HR staffing estimates, acquisition strategy, training plan, and organizational chart.
Roles and responsibilities
The Director of Human Resources
The Director of Human Resources will be responsible for managing the operations of the Human Resources Department to include areas of pay and classification, benefits administration, personnel policy and development, recruitment and selection, labor relations, training and development, and record and legal compliance.
Benefits manager
Benefits manager oversees Playsouls Toys’ benefits programs that include dental insurance, health insurance, short-term disability, long-term disability, life insurance as well as other ancillary products. This includes new enrolment, open enrolment, legal compliance, and claims processing assistance among others.
Risk manger
Risk manger oversees the Playsouls Toys risk management program to include safety and health, liability insurance, and worker’s compensation among others.
Human Resource Coordinator
Human Resource Coordinator coordinates Playsouls Toys’ recruiting and testing activities that include processing recruitment requisition, preparing recruitment advertisements, placing recruitment advertisements, and conduct new hire and promotional testing.
The Human Resources Assistant
The Human Resources Assistant serves as the front desk attendant for the Human Resources department. Responsibilities include availing information based on general knowledge of Playsouls Toys’ human resource policies and programs, recruitment activities, employee benefits, and deadlines.
Staff acquisition strategy
As a new company, the HR personnel will be acquired through the use of employment agencies. The company will contract an agency to conduct job analysis and interview applicants for the seven positions required for the HR department.
Training and Development Plan
The HR department personnel do not require any training at the moment to fulfill their duties. This is because it is a startup company will only qualified HR personnel to handle the HR operations of the company.
Benefits and compensation program
Playsouls Toys will offer benefits and compensation programs to include direct forms such as merit pay, base pay and incentive pay as well as indirect forms including deferred payment, vocation payment, and health insurance.
Playsouls Toys acknowledges the fact that benefits offer an indirect way of compensating employees. Employees enjoy these additional incentives in addition to their salaries. Benefits enhance economic stability and security by covering beneficiaries against uncertain events such as injury, medical illness, and unemployment (Harold, 2003). The aim of our company is to provide employee incentive, educational, family, lifestyle health, recreational, savings, retirement, and transportation benefits for all the employees in our organization.
Erica, W. (2006): Strategic public relations management planning. New York: University of York Publishers.
Harold, K. (2003): Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling. Blackwell publishing
Hyde, J. (2004); Managing and supporting people in organization. New York: University of York Publishers.
Kumar, R. (2010). Human resource management: strategic analysis text and cases. North Carolina: I. K. International Pvt Ltd.
Sims, R. R. (2007). Human resource management: contemporary issues, challenges, and opportunities. New Delhi: I. K. International Pvt Ltd.