Scenario 1
The ID is the part of her that is driven by instinct. The ID is responsible for her walking into class late without feeling disturbed about anything. The Id tells her that there is nothing wrong walking into class late.
Her Ego is the part that mediates between id and reality. It subscribes to the reality principle by pleasing the outcome of the id in way that brings long term benefits. In response to this scenario, the ego would tell her not feel embarrassed about anything since it is normal to stumble, it is normal to have a crash on a boy, and there is nothing wrong if the boy knows about the crash.
The Superego is basically her conscious and seeks for perfection. The Super ego would tell Rachel to consider her ideals, spiritual goals, and consciousness. Therefore, it is the superego that tells her whatever just happened is embarrassing. She would be a laughing stalk in the class if everyone knows.
Scenario 2
It is the ID that first convinced Jake to attempt such a move on a first date. The id is instinctive and it basically would not care the outcome of the incident.
The ego attempts to connect the id to the real world, therefore, it is the ego that tried convincing Jake not to take things fast but hold the satisfaction until he really gets to know the girl.
The superego is the part in Jake that would consider the moral implication of the holding her hand and would further feel embarrassed by the fact that she walked away.
Scenario 3
It is the id that convinced her to bring her boyfriend over while she works. In handling the situation, the id would simply do nothing and walk away without caring.
The ego would try to convincing her to make things right with the family and not ever invite her boyfriend while she works.
The superego is the part that ensures she thinks above herself and actually apologizes because the incident has some moral implications. She may be dabbed irresponsible yet she is not. by making things right with the family this picture of irresponsibility may be erased in their minds.