Admission Essay
This admission essay answers the fictional question of what I would be or do, provided I was able to choose my own destiny. My answer to this question is that I would be a man. The inner as well as outer functioning of the opposite sex has always been highly tantalizing for me, and I have always liked reading on the subject of gender and relationships. Here, I delve more deeply into my personal view of the differences between the two genders and why this would be my choice.
Keywords: wishful thinking, admission, essay, men, women
Imagining a different life from the one I lead today can be done with ease from a certain perspective. For instance, changing professions is a goal not extremely difficult to achieve, provided that the individual possesses enough amounts of perseverance, will to start all over again and the inclination to keep learning. Thus, picturing myself as myself, yet with a dissimilar profession is fairly easy. However, picturing myself as someone else, now that is a bit trickier. Simultaneously, this is the answer I would like to delve in more deeply. If I could choose a different life and personality for me, it would be have to be living as a man. The very thought of how their brains are wired, how they function and why they do all the things they do has been tickling my brain for quite some time now, and I shall now elaborate more deeply into these ideas.
Surely, we have all been asked this question at one point in our lives: if we would like to be of the opposite gender. The answers differ from person to person, I believe. However, a certain amount of curiosity is always present, as we observe our boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse or partner, and wonder at his or her actions and words. This is exactly the kind of inquisitiveness that has been pushing me throughout my entire life to always want to know more, always do research, always take into account several perspectives, and only then reach a more or less conclusive deduction about a certain puzzling matter.
Now, there are tons of jokes about why being a man is better. Only a few of them would be that wedding plans take care of themselves, flowers can fix anything and getting older means adding more charm and character. Also, when one ponders on the differences between men and women, a book title immediately pops to mind: Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. A very catchy title which truly encompasses the variations of the functioning of these two sexes. It takes a lot to grasp the idea of how the brain of the opposite sex operates, and sometimes, it is even close to impossible. Psychologists and psychoanalysts keep churning out books on the topic, yet what it all requires is just understanding and respect.
Even though today we live in a world that values women and compensates them equally for the same work done by men, there was a time when this practice would have been considered an outrage. Some parts of the world still consider women second class citizens, without a shred of evidence to back this claim up. Sadly, as it was in the “dark” ages, they do not need any evidence, as the word of a man is enough. History favors men as heroes, as conquerors, as emperors and knights, rulers of huge portions of the world and law-givers. The very word man evokes the following connotations in one’s mind: brave, determined, ruthless, persuasive, powerful, authoritative, and many others along these lines. A man only needs to appear in a room and he leaves this impression on those around him.
When it comes to the work place, men and women react differently to this stimuli. Women cooperate more, ask more questions and take into account other people’s opinions. Men, on the other hand, rarely do this and perceive it as a sign of weakness. How the two genders work differs greatly, though it cannot be proven that one gender has the upper hand in business on the other. If we take, for instance, senator Hillary Clinton, who plays the “boys’ game” and she is doing great. She seems to possess innate skills of both men and women, and thus, she easily fits in no matter where she finds herself.
Even though I consider myself an outspoken person, who fights for what she believes and wants, I still believe it would be highly amusing to see the fruits of my labor if I were achieving my goals as a man. Would it make a difference? Would I achieve my goals in a shorter amount of time, without so much effort? I like to think not. While it would be fun and while I know I would be able to use all my skills to my advantage even as a man, I still like to think that we are all created as we are for a reason, and life is about utilizing what we are given in the best manner possible, simultaneously working hard on personal and as well as professional development.